DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / bioawk / bioawk.1.en
BIOAWK(1) User Commands BIOAWK(1)

bioawk - extension of awk for biological sequence analysis

1:chrom 2:start 3:end 4:name 5:score 6:strand 7:thickstart 8:thickend 9:rgb 10:blockcount 11:blocksizes 12:blockstarts

1:qname 2:flag 3:rname 4:pos 5:mapq 6:cigar 7:rnext 8:pnext 9:tlen 10:seq 11:qual

1:chrom 2:pos 3:id 4:ref 5:alt 6:qual 7:filter 8:info

1:seqname 2:source 3:feature 4:start 5:end 6:score 7:filter 8:strand 9:group 10:attribute

1:name 2:seq 3:qual 4:comment

This manpage was written by Nilesh Patra for the Debian distribution and
can be used for any other usage of the program.

February 2021 bioawk 1.0