DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / bliss / bliss.1.en
BLISS(1) bliss BLISS(1)

bliss - compute automorphism groups and canonical labelings of graphs

bliss [options] [<graphfile>]

Run bliss on <graphfile>.

the input graph is directed
compute canonical form
compute canonical form and output it in file f
set verbose level to N [N >= 0, default: 1]
select splitting heuristics, where X is
first non-singleton cell
first largest non-singleton cell
first smallest non-singleton cell
first maximally non-trivially connected non-singleton cell
first largest maximally non-trivially connected non-singleton cell
first smallest maximally non-trivially connected non-singleton cell [default]
use failure recording? [X=y/n, default: y]
use component recursion? [X=y/n, default: y]
print the version number and exit
print this help and exit

Copyright © 2003-2015 Tommi Junttila.

License LGPLv3+: GNU LGPL version 3 or later, <>. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see COPYING and COPYING.LESSER for details.

December 2020 bliss (Debian 0.73-5)