DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / calculix-cgx / cgx.1.en
cgx(1) General Commands Manual cgx(1)

cgx - CalculiX GraphiX

cgx [options] [parameter] filename [ccxfile]...

This manual page documents briefly the cgx command. The complete documentation and test files are located in the calculix-cgx-doc package in the /usr/share/doc/calculix-cgx-doc/ directory.

auto-mode, geometry file derived from a cad-file must be provided
build-mode, geometry (command) file must be provided
background, suppress creation of graphic output otherwise as -b a geometry (command) file must be provided
read an solver input file (ccx)
read duns result files (2D)
read duns result files (3D)
read openFoam result files
read isaac result files (2D)
read isaac result files (3D)
read Nastran f06 file
read Netgen native format
read a step file (only points and lines)
read step and write its single parts to the filesystem
read stl triangles
(default) read a result file in frd-format and optional a solver input file (ccx) which provides the sets and loads used in the calculation.

make node-sets from *DLOAD-values (setname:''_<value>'')
forces the program to read the complete result-file at startup