calibre-customize - calibre-customize
calibre-customize opcións
Personalice Calibre cargando engadidos externos.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibre-customize that have
spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example:
"/some path/with spaces"
- --add-plugin, -a
- Add a plugin by specifying the path to the ZIP file containing it.
- --build-plugin,
- For plugin developers: Path to the folder where you are developing the
plugin. This command will automatically zip up the plugin and update it in
- --customize-plugin
- Personalizar un engadido. Indique o nome do engadido e o texto de
personalización separados por unha vírgula.
- --remove-plugin,
- Retirar un engadido persoal polo nome. Non afecta aos engadidos
incorporados ao programa.
- --version
- show program's version number and exit