DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / ceph-fuse / mount.fuse.ceph.8.en
mount.fuse.ceph(8) User Commands mount.fuse.ceph(8)

mount.fuse.ceph - wrapper around ceph-fuse

Helper to mount ceph-fuse from /etc/fstab. To use, add an entry like:

#  DEVICE                                              PATH         TYPE      OPTIONS

mount.fuse.ceph#conf=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf,id=admin /mnt/ceph fuse _netdev,noatime,allow_other 0 0
mount.fuse.ceph#conf=/etc/ceph/foo.conf,id=myuser /mnt/ceph2 fuse _netdev,noatime,allow_other 0 0

where the device field is a comma-separated list of options to pass on the command line. The examples above, for example, specify that ceph-fuse will authenticated as client.admin and client.myuser (respectively), and the second example also sets the "conf" option to "/etc/ceph/foo.conf" via the ceph-fuse command line. Any valid ceph-fuse option can be passed in this way.

path to ceph cponfiguration file, usually "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf"
user name

March 2014 ceph-fuse