DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / cloudflare-ddns / cloudflare-ddns.1.en

cloudflare-ddns - dynamically update a DNS record

cloudflare-ddns [api_token record_name] [--config file]

cloudflare-ddns is a tool that can be used to dynamically update a DNS record using Cloudflare's API.

This tool is a oneshot program: you run it, it updates the DNS record, and it terminates. To make it run periodically you could use a systemd timer or a cron job.

To run the tool you'll need an API token; cloudflare-ddns only needs the Zone.DNS edit permission.

You can run cloudflare-ddns in two different ways: you can pass the API Token and the record name as command line arguments, or you can use a ini configuration file, located in /etc/cloudflare-ddns/config.ini, by passing no arguments at all. If you prefer, you can even use a configuration file in a custom location, using --config file-path.

Command line options

Custom path to the config file

$ cloudflare-ddns
New IP:

April 2023