DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / cod-tools / cif_fix_values.1.en
CIF_FIX_VALUES(1) General Commands Manual CIF_FIX_VALUES(1)

cif_fix_values - correct various CIF file values and output the made changes into the standard I/O streams. The script is capable of making these corrections: - Converting temperature from degrees Celsius to kelvins, removing temperature units of measurement, processing other undefined temperature values; - Fixing misspelled values by using the provided replacement value file; - Fixing enumeration values in CIF file against CIF dictionaries; - Correcting values of '_exptl_crystal_density_meas' data item. All described corrections are enabled by default, but can be disabled by prefixing the corresponding options by '--do-not', '--dont' or '--no' (for example, '--no-fix-temperature').

cif_fix_values --options input1.cif input*.cif

Correct various CIF file values and output the made changes into the standard I/O streams. The script is capable of making these corrections: - Converting temperature from degrees Celsius to kelvins, removing temperature units of measurement, processing other undefined temperature values; - Fixing misspelled values by using the provided replacement value file; - Fixing enumeration values in CIF file against CIF dictionaries; - Correcting values of '_exptl_crystal_density_meas' data item.

All described corrections are enabled by default, but can be disabled by prefixing the corresponding options by '--do-not', '--dont' or '--no' (for example, '--no-fix-temperature').

Corrects temperature values which have units specified
or converts between degrees Celsius and kelvins.
Changes 'room/ambiante temperature' to the appropriate
numeric value. Changes other undefined values
('none', 'not given') to '?' symbol.

--fix-misspelled replacement_value.lst
Corrects misspelled values in the CIF file. Provide a file
for the check.

Removes URL or DOI: prefixes from values of DOI data

Corrects enumeration values in the CIF against CIF
dictionaries. Provide dictionaries using option
--dictionaries (or -d), otherwise script uses a
built-in table derived from the CIF Core dictionary.

Treats certain enumeration values as set data type in
the CIF against CIF dictionaries (default). Provide
dictionaries using --dictionaries (or -d) option, otherwise
script uses a built-in table derived from the CIF Core

Corrects value of data item '_exptl_crystal_density_meas'.
Values which are perceived as 'not measured' are changed
to '?'. The correct units are deleted. The new data item
is created if there are information about temperature.

Changes the value of the data item '_refine_ls_weighting_scheme'
to the value 'calc' if it contains details which seems to
have a formula, and creates new data item
'_refine_ls_weighting_details' to store that information.
If value is equal to number one, then it is changed to
the enumeration value 'unit'.

Corrects the most frequent mistakes in the values of
data items '_atom_sites_solution_primary',
'_atom_sites_solution_secondary' and

-d, --dictionaries 'cif_core.dic,cif_cod.dic'
A list of CIF dictionary files (according to DDL1)
to be used in CIF file validation. List elements
are separated either by ',' or by ' '. To include
dictionaries with filenames containing these symbols,
the --add-dictionary option is used.

-D, --add-dictionary 'cif new dictionary.dic'
Add additional CIF dictionary to the list.

Remove all CIF dictionaries from the list.


Specify parser to parse CIF files (default: C parser).

--help, --usage
Output a short usage message (this message) and exit.

Output version information and exit.

Report cif_fix_values bugs using e-mail: