DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / cod-tools / cif_mark_disorder.1.en

cif_mark_disorder - mark disorder in CIF files judging by distance and occupancy.

cif_mark_disorder --options input1.cif input*.cif

Mark disorder in CIF files judging by distance and occupancy.

-d, --distance-sensitivity 0.000001
Specify maximum distance between two atoms that should
be perceived as belonging to the same atom site.

--occupancy-sensitivity 0.01
Set maximum deviation for the sum of occupancies of
the atoms from the same atom site from 1.

-h, --add-cif-header
Comments from the beginning of this file will be
prepended to the output.

Do not use atoms with 0 occupancies in calculations (default).


Use atoms with zero (0) occupancies in the calculations.

Do not require occupancies of the atoms in the same
atom site to sum up to 1.


Require the occupancies of the atoms in the same atom site
to sum up to 1 to be recognised as disorder (default).

Print each of the marked disorder assemblies to
the standard error, listing atom labels (default).


Do not print marked disorder assemblies to the
standard error.

Append reports about newly marked disorder assemblies
together with the signature of this script to the
'_cod_depositor_comments' value (default).


Do not append anything to the value of

--brick-size 1
Brick size parameter for 'AtomBricks' algorithm.

Use Perl parser for CIF parsing.

Use Perl & C parser for CIF parsing (default).

--help, --usage
Output a short usage message (this message) and exit.

Output version information and exit.

Report cif_mark_disorder bugs using e-mail: