datalad push - push a dataset to a known sibling.
datalad push [-h] [-d DATASET]
[--to SIBLING] [--since SINCE] [--data
[-f {all|gitpush|checkdatapresent}] [-r] [-R LEVELS]
[-J NJOBS] [--version] [PATH ...]
This makes a saved state of a dataset available to a sibling or
special remote data store of a dataset. Any target sibling must already
exist and be known to the dataset.
By default, all files tracked in the last saved state (of the
current branch) will be copied to the target location. Optionally, it is
possible to limit a push to changes relative to a particular point in the
version history of a dataset (e.g. a release tag) using the --since option
in conjunction with the specification of a reference dataset. In recursive
mode subdatasets will also be evaluated, and only those subdatasets are
pushed where a change was recorded that is reflected in the current state of
the top-level reference dataset.
- Power-user info: This command uses git push, and git annex copy to push a
dataset. Publication targets are either configured remote Git
repositories, or git-annex special remotes (if they support data
- path to constrain a push to. If given, only data or changes for those
paths are considered for a push. Constraints: value must be a string or
value must be NONE
- -h, --help,
- show this help message. --help-np forcefully disables the use of a pager
for displaying the help message
--dataset DATASET
- specify the dataset to push. Constraints: Value must be a Dataset or a
valid identifier of a Dataset (e.g. a path) or value must be NONE
- --to SIBLING
- name of the target sibling. If no name is given an attempt is made to
identify the target based on the dataset's configuration (i.e. a
configured tracking branch, or a single sibling that is configured for
push). Constraints: value must be a string or value must be NONE
- --since
- specifies commit-ish (tag, shasum, etc.) from which to look for changes to
decide whether pushing is necessary. If '^' is given, the last state of
the current branch at the sibling is taken as a starting point.
Constraints: value must be a string or value must be NONE
- --data
- what to do with (annex'ed) data. 'anything' would cause transfer of all
annexed content, 'nothing' would avoid call to `git annex copy`
altogether. 'auto' would use 'git annex copy' with '--auto' thus
transferring only data which would satisfy "wanted" or
"numcopies" settings for the remote (thus "nothing"
otherwise). 'auto-if-wanted' would enable '--auto' mode only if there is a
"wanted" setting for the remote, and transfer 'anything'
otherwise. Constraints: value must be one of ('anything', 'nothing',
'auto', 'auto-if-wanted') [Default: 'auto-if-wanted']
- -f
{all|gitpush|checkdatapresent}, --force
- force particular operations, possibly overruling safety protections or
optimizations: use --force with git-push ('gitpush'); do not use --fast
with git-annex copy ('checkdatapresent'); combine all force modes ('all').
Constraints: value must be one of ('all', 'gitpush',
- -r,
- if set, recurse into potential subdatasets.
--recursion-limit LEVELS
- limit recursion into subdatasets to the given number of levels.
Constraints: value must be convertible to type 'int' or value must be
- -J NJOBS, --jobs
- how many parallel jobs (where possible) to use. "auto"
corresponds to the number defined by 'datalad.runtime.max-annex-jobs'
configuration item NOTE: This option can only parallelize input retrieval
(get) and output recording (save). DataLad does NOT parallelize your
scripts for you. Constraints: value must be convertible to type 'int' or
value must be NONE or value must be one of ('auto',)
- --version
- show the module and its version which provides the command
datalad is developed by The DataLad Team and Contributors