DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / debuginfod / debuginfod-find.1.en

debuginfod-find - request debuginfo-related data

debuginfod-find [OPTION]... debuginfo BUILDID
debuginfod-find [OPTION]... debuginfo PATH
debuginfod-find [OPTION]... executable BUILDID
debuginfod-find [OPTION]... executable PATH
debuginfod-find [OPTION]... source BUILDID /FILENAME
debuginfod-find [OPTION]... source PATH /FILENAME

debuginfod-find queries one or more debuginfod servers for debuginfo-related data. In case of a match, it saves the the requested file into a local cache, prints the file name to standard output, and exits with a success status of 0. In case of any error, it exits with a failure status and an error message to standard error.

The debuginfod system uses buildids to identify debuginfo-related data. These are stored as binary notes in ELF/DWARF files, and are represented as lowercase hexadecimal. For example, for a program /bin/ls, look at the ELF note GNU_BUILD_ID:

% readelf -n /bin/ls | grep -A4
Note section [ 4] '.note.gnu.buildid' of 36 bytes at offset 0x340:
Owner          Data size  Type
GNU                   20  GNU_BUILD_ID
Build ID: 8713b9c3fb8a720137a4a08b325905c7aaf8429d

Then the hexadecimal BUILDID is simply:


In place of the hexadecimal BUILDID, debuginfod-find also accepts a path name to to an ELF binary, from which it extracts the buildid. In this case, ensure the file name has some character other than [0-9a-f]. Files ambiguously named files like "deadbeef" can be passed with a ./deadbeef extra path component.

If the given buildid is known to a server, this request will result in a binary object that contains the customary .*debug_* sections. This may be a split debuginfo file as created by strip, or it may be an original unstripped executable.

If the given buildid is known to the server, this request will result in a binary object that contains the normal executable segments. This may be a executable stripped by strip, or it may be an original unstripped executable. ET_DYN shared libraries are considered to be a type of executable.

If the given buildid is known to the server, this request will result in a binary object that contains the source file mentioned. The path should be absolute. Relative path names commonly appear in the DWARF file's source directory, but these paths are relative to individual compilation unit AT_comp_dir paths, and yet an executable is made up of multiple CUs. Therefore, to disambiguate, debuginfod expects source queries to prefix relative path names with the CU compilation-directory, followed by a mandatory "/".

Note: the caller may or may not elide ../ or /./ or extraneous /// sorts of path components in the directory names. debuginfod accepts both forms. Specifically, debuginfod canonicalizes path names according to RFC3986 section 5.2.4 (Remove Dot Segments), plus reducing any // to / in the path.

For example:

#include <stdio.h> source BUILDID /usr/include/stdio.h
/path/to/foo.c source BUILDID /path/to/foo.c
AT_comp_dir=/zoo/ source BUILDID /zoo//../bar/foo.c

Increase verbosity, including printing frequent download-progress messages and printing the http response headers from the server.

debuginfod-find does not include any particular security features. It trusts that the binaries returned by the debuginfod(s) are accurate. Therefore, the list of servers should include only trustworthy ones. If accessed across HTTP rather than HTTPS, the network should be trustworthy. Authentication information through the internal libcurl library is not currently enabled, except for the basic plaintext http[s]://userid:password@hostname/ style. (The debuginfod server does not perform authentication, but a front-end proxy server could.)

See the file bookworm/libdebuginfod-common/debuginfod-client-config.7.en.gz.

debuginfod(8) debuginfod_find_debuginfod(3)