DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / dextractor / dexqv.1.en
DEXQV(1) User Commands DEXQV(1)

dexqv - compress a set of .quiva files

dexqv [-vkl] <path:quiva> ...

Dexqv compresses a set of .quiva files into new files with a .dexqv extension. That is, submitting G.quiva will result in a compressed image G.dexqv, and G.quiva will not longer exist.

The -k flag prevents the removal of G.quiva. With -v set progress is reported, otherwise the command runs silently. If slightly more compression is desired at the expense of being a bit "lossy" then set the -l option. This option is experimental in that it remains to be seen if Quiver gives the same results with the scaled values responsible for the loss. Undexqv reverses the compression of dexqv, replacing the uncompressed image of G.dexqv with G.quiva. The flags are analgous to the v & k flags for dexqv. The compression factor is typically 3.4 or so (4.0 or so with -l set).

By .fastq convention each QV vector is output by undexqv as a line without intervening new-lines, and by default the Deletion Tag vector is in lower case letters. The -U option specifies upper case letters should instead be used for said vector.

The full documentation for dexqv: is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and dexqv programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info dexqv

should give you access to the complete manual.

June 2020 dexqv