add-node-component - add-node-component
add-node-component <node-modules-to-add-as-component>
node-modules-to-add-as-component: list of component to add. Version can be specified (example: bson@1.0.0)
-h, --help: print this
-c, --checksum: install new component with "checksum" at the end of debian/watch line (default, see uscan(1) for more)
-g, --group: install new component with "group" at the end of debian/watch line
--ignore install new component with "ignore" at the end of debian/watch line
--no-ctype: don't add "ctype=nodejs" in debian/watch (see uscan(1) for more, enabled automatically for now unless --checksum)
-d, --download: download new sources
-i, --install: import downloaded sources (implies -d)
-f, --remove-tag: remove origin tag if exists locally (before import)
-u, --cme-update: launch a "cme update dpkg-compyright" after import to update debian/copyright
-r, --remove-component: remove component instead of adding it (default when del-node-component is used)
-l, --list-components: print components list
-m, --list-modules: print modules list
-p, --cmp-prefix: component name prefix (default: empty)
--force-npm-reg: force the use of npm registry
--force-github-tags: force the use of GitHub tags
--uscan-option: option(s) to pass to uscan (multi-valued). Default: "-dd --download-version"
--cmp-tree: print a digraph of relation between component (give it to graph-easy)
Copyright © Yadd <>
Licensed under GPL-2+ (see /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2)
December 2022 | add-node-component 0.15.12 |