DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / dh-runit / dh_runit.1.en
DH_RUNIT(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation DH_RUNIT(1)

dh_runit - install/enable runit runscripts

dh_runit [debhelper options] [path options] ...

dh_runit is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing and enabling runit runscripts. If a file named debian/package.runit exists, then it ensures appropriate actions are performed based on its content.

For runit, each unit of supervision (or, simply speaking, program) is represented by a directory under /etc/sv, containing at least a run executable file. Each enabled unit of supervision is represented by a symbolic link under /etc/services (which itself is a symbolic link to /etc/runit/runsvdir/default) pointing to some directory under /etc/sv.

dh_runit reads arguments from the command line and debian/package.runit in pairs, with the first item being the path to a file or directory and the second being a set of options. If the first argument names a file, it is treated as a 'run' script to be installed at /etc/sv/*/run as an executable file. If the first argument names a directory, that directory is copied as a whole to /etc/sv.

Options are comma separated, like mount options. Unrecognized options are errors. The following options are recognized:

Install the runscript but do not enable it by default. This means that the corresponding service will not be started. The service can be enabled manually by the system administrator or automatically using update-service(8).
By default, the name of the directory under /etc/sv for a given runscript is the basename of the path argument naming it. This option allows overriding that default with an explicitly chosen directory name.
Install a standard log/run script that invokes svlogd(8) with the rights of the dedicated user. Specifying this option produces an error if the path argument names a directory that already contains a /log/run script.
This option controls what to do during the upgrade of a service when runit is PID 1; it takes one of the following strings as argument:

restart the service in postinstall, after all files of the package are
unpacked and the upgrade is complete. This is the same as dh_installinit
or dh_installsystemd ' --restart-after-upgrade '.
This is the implicit default if the 'onupgrade' option is not set.

stop the service in prerm and start again in postinst. This option is useful
if the daemon get confused by the package being upgraded while it's still
running. This is the same as dh_installinit or dh_installsystemd

do not stop service on upgrade. This has the side-effect of not restarting the
service as a part of the upgrade. Use this option when the service does not
support being restarted while it's running. Display managers (xdm, slim, ...)
are example of non-restartible services.
When this option is set the invoke-run interpreter, provided by runit
package, will refrain from automatically replace the sysvinit-managed
instance of the service with a runit-managed instance (replacement requires manual
intervention or a system restart).
This is the same as dh_installinit or dh_installsystemd '--no-stop-on-upgrade'.

similar to nostop, but the service configuration is reloaded (HUP) during the upgrade.
This might be useful in cases (like dbus) where the service does not support restarting
on upgrade and where reloading the config instead of restarting makes sense.
When this option is set the invoke-run interpreter, provided by runit
package, will refrain to automatically replace the sysvinit-managed
instance of the service with a runit-managed instance (replacement requires manual
intervention or a system restart).

Please note that onupgrade does not control whether the service will be started after the first install of the package; by default the service is always started if it's enabled (and stopped before removal). To not start the service after the first install you should use the 'disable' option.

Since dh-runit 2.8.15 this option is no longer needed and is deprecated. It's retained only for backward compatibility with packages that still use it (see #942323). It's scheduled for removal with 3.0 release.
Since dh-runit 2.9.0 this option is deprecated and it's retained only for backward compatibility and it's scheduled for removal with 3.0 release. You can use onupgrade=nostop instead.
With this option dh-runit will not add its snippets to maintscripts; actions like enable or disable, start, stop and restart the service need manual editing of maintaner scripts.
With this option dh-runit will install the service directory under /usr/share/runit/sv/ instead of the default /etc/sv/. Maintainers should not use this option to ship a runit service together with a daemon, this option is only intended for a catch-all runscript package. If this option is not used together with 'noscript' dh-runit exists with an error as the snippets from dh-runit expects the service to be shipped under /etc/sv/ and a mechanism to automatically copy the service into /etc/sv/ is not provided.
Install a standard finish file with the service; if there is already a finish file inside the service directory, this option does nothing.
when this option is used, the full path to the binary run in the runscript should be provided. This option is useful when combined with usr and noscripts as many actions that are usually performed inside maintainer scripts are performed with a trigger on runit package side. This option is experimental.
This option is deprecated, does nothing and it's scheduled for removal with 3.0 release.
Include presubj file for reportbug into generate package. This file contains note that suggest including runit maintainers into copy of bug reports, related to runit integration. If the package already include it's own presubj file, that file takes precedence over runit presubj file.

This may make life of package maintainer who uses another init system easier.

If you don't need other options, specify this one.

Packages using dh_runit do not depend on runit but should include the runit:Breaks variable in their Breaks field in debian/control to ensure that no breakages are caused by a too-old version of runit package.

This section contains several example package.runit snippets.

  # In this case, a file is installed as a 'run' script. The directory
  # name under /etc/sv is derived from the file's basename (/etc/sv/script).
  path/to/file/to/be/installed/as/run/script defaults
  # Similar, but installs a directory as a whole. It is the package's
  # responsibility to ensure this directory contains everything required.
  path/to/directory defaults
  # Similar, but without creating a symlink under /etc/service.
  path/to/directory disable
  # Explicitly specifying a name to use for the directory under /etc/sv.
  # A standard log/run script will be created.
  path/to/directory name=my-preferred-name,logscript
2022-12-26 perl v5.36.0