qualification(5) | File Formats Manual | qualification(5) |
qualification - User's guide to name qualification
Qualification means conversion of a short host name that you type, such as cheetah, into a complete (``fully qualified'') domain name, such as cheetah.heaven.af.mil.
This page explains the djbdns qualification procedure. These rules are followed by the dns_ip4_qualify library routine in djbdns, and by programs that use the dns_ip4_qualify(3) routine.
Normally the djbdns qualification procedure follows instructions listed in /etc/dnsrewrite, a file created by your system administrator. You can override /etc/dnsrewrite by creating your own file and setting the $DNSREWRITEFILE environment variable to the name of that file.
Sample instructions:
# anything.local -> me
# me ->
# any.name.a -> any.name.af.mil
# any-name-without-dots -> any-name-without-dots.heaven.af.mil
# remove trailing dot
Instructions are followed in order, each at most once. There are four types of instructions:
The djbdns qualification procedure can search through DNS for several possible qualifications of a name. For example, the name
is qualified as cheetah.heaven.af.mil if that name has IP addresses listed in DNS, or cheetah.af.mil otherwise.
In general, x+y1+y2+y3 is qualified as xy1 if xy1 has IP addresses listed in DNS; otherwise, as xy2 if xy2 has IP addresses listed in DNS; otherwise, as xy3. You can list any number of +'s.
Searching is applied after rewriting, so you can use a rewriting instruction such as
to have lion qualified as lion.heaven.af.mil or lion.af.mil, and tiger qualified as tiger.heaven.af.mil or tiger.af.mil, and so on.
Searching is generally not a recommended feature. If you rely on gw being qualified as gw.af.mil, and someone suddenly adds a new gw.heaven.af.mil, you'll end up talking to the wrong host. It's better to rely on syntactic rules that you control.
If the rewriting-instructions file does not exist, the djbdns qualification procedure looks for a local domain name in three places:
It then creates rewriting instructions of the form
so that .domain is added to any name without dots or brackets.
You can specify searching in $LOCALDOMAIN by using several domain names separated by spaces. Your system administrator can specify searching in /etc/resolv.conf by putting several domains on a search line.
Different DNS client programs use different qualification procedures. Two major differences between the djbdns qualification procedure and other qualification procedures:
Two minor differences:
If you want the local domain searched for names with dots, you can set it up with rewriting:
# aol.com -> aol.com or aol.com.heaven.af.mil
# but skip directly to heaven.af.mil if no dots