DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / djvulibre-bin / djvudump.1.en

djvudump - Display internal structure of DjVu files.

djvudump [-o outputfile] djvufiles...

Program djvudump prints an indented representation of the chunk structure of any DjVu files. Each line represent contains a chunk ID followed by the chunk size. Lines are indented in order to reflect the hierarchical structure of the IFF files. The page identifier is printed between curly braces when a bundled multi-page DjVu document is recognized. Additional information about each chunk is provided when djvudump recognizes the chunk name and knows how to summarize the chunk data.

This program is in fact able to describe any file complying with the Electronic Arts IFF 85 specification. This includes a number of graphical and sound file formats.

This program was written by Léon Bottou <> and was then improved by Andrei Erofeev <>, Bill Riemers <> and many others.


10/11/2001 DjVuLibre-3.5