DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / dlt-tools / dlt-system.conf.5.en

dlt-system.conf - DLT system process configuration file

The DLT system logging process is the central application, which logs system information from the platform. It provides the features filetransfer, syslog adapater, logging of any kind of files and procfilesystem logger. The individual features can be enabled and disabled in the configuration file.

The configuration file dlt-system.conf allows to configure the different runtime behaviour of dlt-system. The configuration file is loaded during startup of dlt-system.

dlt-system loads by default the configuration file /etc/dlt-system.conf. An alternative configuration file can be loaded with the option -c.

The application Id used for the dlt-system process.

Default: SYS

Enable the Shell for command line injections. Be careful when you enable this feature. The user can send any kind of shell commands. The commands are executed with the rights of the dlt-system process. Dlt-system is started by default as user genivi.

Default: 0

If this option is set to 1, the syslog adapter feature is enabled. SyslogPort needs to be configured too if Syslog is enabled.

Default: 0

This value defines context id of the syslog adapter.

Default: SYSL

This value defines the UDP port opened for receiving log messages from syslog. Configuration for syslog to forward log to this port is necessary. Adding this config *.* @localhost:47111 in config file of syslog (usually in /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf) and restart the syslog service by command “sudo systemctl restart rsyslog.service”.

Default: 47111

Enable the Systemd Journal Adapter. This feature is only available, when dlt is compiled with the option “WITH_SYSTEMD_JOURNAL”. Dlt-system is started by default as user genivi, see dlt-system.service file. The user genivi must be added to one of the groups `adm', `wheel' or `systemd-journal' to have access to all journal entries.

Default: 0

The Context Id of the journal adapter.

Default: JOUR

Show only log entries of current boot and follow. If JournalCurrentBoot and JournalFollow are not set all persistent journal entries will be logged.

Default: 1

Show only the last 10 entries and follow.

Default: 0

Map journal log levels to DLT log levels.

- 0       Emergency     DLT_LOG_FATAL
- 1       Alert         DLT_LOG_FATAL
- 2       Critical      DLT_LOG_FATAL
- 3       Error         DLT_LOG_ERROR
- 4       Warning       DLT_LOG_WARN
- 5       Notice        DLT_LOG_INFO
- 6       Informational DLT_LOG_INFO
- 7       Debug         DLT_LOG_DEBUG
Default: 1

Enable the Filetransfer feature. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

Default: 0

The Context Id of the filetransfer.

Default: FILE

Time in seconds after startup of dlt-system when first file is transfered.

Default: 0

Time in seconds to wait between two file transfer logs of a single file to DLT.

Default: 10

You can define multiple file transfer directories. Define the directory to watch, whether to compress the file with zlib and the zlib compression level. For parsing purposes, FiletransferCompressionLevel must be the last one of three values.

See FiletransferDirectory option for explanation.

Default: 0

See FiletransferDirectory option for explanation.

Default: 5

If this option is set to 1, the log files feature is enabled.

Default: 0

This value sets the full filename path to the file, which should be logged.

This value defines in which operation mode the file is logged. In mode 1 the file is only logged once when dlt-system is started. In mode 2 the file is logged regularly every time LogFileTimeDelay timer elapses. 0 = off, 1 = startup only, 2 = regular

This value is used in mode 3 and defines the number of seconds, after which the defined file is logged.

This value defines the context id, which is used for logging the file.

Enable the logging of processes. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

Default: 0

This value defines the context id, which is used for logging processes files.

Default: PROC

This value defines the name of the process to be logged, as used in the file stat of each process. If the value is defined as *, all processes are logged.

This value sets the relative filename path to the file, which should be logged. The path is relative to the procfilesystem folder of the process.

This value the defines in which operation mode this process file is logged. In mode 1 the file is only logged once when dlt-system is started. In mode 2 the file is logged regularly every time LogFileTimeDelay timer elapses. 0 = off, 1 = startup only, 2 = regular.

Default: 0

This value is used in mode 3 and defines the number of seconds, after which the defined procfilesystem file is logged.

Default: 0

Alexander Wenzel ( (at) bmw (dot) de)

Copyright (C) 2015 BMW AG. License MPL-2.0: Mozilla Public License version 2.0 <>.

See Github issue: <>

dlt-system(1), dlt-daemon(1)