dnsjit.core.channel - Send data to another thread
local chan = require("dnsjit.core.channel").new()
local thr = require("dnsjit.core.thread").new()
local chan = thr:pop()
local obj = chan:get()
A channel can be used to send data to another thread, this is done
by putting a pointer to the data into a wait-free and lock-free ring buffer
(concurrency kit). The channel uses the single producer, single consumer
model (SPSC) so there can only be one writer and one reader.
- Channel.new(capacity)
- Create a new Channel, use the optional capacity to specify the
capacity of the channel (buffer). Capacity must be a power-of-two greater
than or equal to 4. Default capacity is 2048.
- Channel:log()
- Return the Log object to control logging of this instance or module.
- Channel:share()
- Return information to use when sharing this object between threads.
- Channel:put(obj)
- Put an object into the channel, if the channel is full then it will stall
and wait until space becomes available. Object may be nil.
- Channel:put(obj)
- Try and put an object into the channel. Returns 0 on success.
- Channel:get()
- Get an object from the channel, if the channel is empty it will wait until
an object is available. Returns nil if the channel is closed or if a nil
object was explicitly put into the channel.
- Channel:try_get()
- Try and get an object from the channel. Returns nil if there was no
objects to get.
- Channel:size()
- Return number of enqueued objects.
- Channel:full()
- Returns true when channel is full.
- Channel:close()
- Close the channel.
- Channel:receive()
- Return the C functions and context for receiving objects.
- Channel:receiver(o)
- Set the receiver to pass objects to. NOTE; The channel keeps no reference
of the receiver, it needs to live as long as the channel does.
- Channel:run()
- Retrieve all objects from the channel and send it to the receiver.
Jerry Lundström (DNS-OARC), Tomáš
Křížek (CZ.NIC), Petr Špaček (ISC)
Maintained by DNS-OARC
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