DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / ea-utils / fastq-clipper.1.en

fastq-clipper - ea-utils: removes one or more adapter sequences from the fastq file

usage: fastq-clipper [options] <fastq-file> <adapters>

Removes one or more adapter sequences from the fastq file. Adapter sequences are colon-delimited. Stats go to stderr, unless -o is specified.

This help
Output file (stats to stdout)
Maximum difference percentage (10)
Minimum clip length (1)
Minimum remaining sequence length (15)
Extra match length past adapter length,
N =-1 : search all N = 0 : search only up to adapter length
End-of-line (default)
Beginning-of-line (not supported yet)
July 2015 fastq-clipper 1.1.2