DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-add-passphrase.1.en
ecryptfs-add-passphrase(1) eCryptfs ecryptfs-add-passphrase(1)

ecryptfs-add-passphrase - add an eCryptfs mount passphrase to the kernel keyring.

ecryptfs-add-passphrase [--fnek]

printf "%s" "passphrase" | ecryptfs-add-passphrase [--fnek] -

ecryptfs-add-passphrase is a utility to manually add a passphrase to the kernel keyring.

If the --fnek option is specified, the filename encryption key associated with the input passphrase will also be added to the keyring.

ecryptfs(7), keyctl(1)


This manpage was written by Dustin Kirkland <> for Ubuntu systems (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

On Debian and Ubuntu systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.

2008-07-21 ecryptfs-utils