DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / erlang-manpages / wxPreviewControlBar.3erl.en
wxPreviewControlBar(3erl) Erlang Module Definition wxPreviewControlBar(3erl)

wxPreviewControlBar - Functions for wxPreviewControlBar class

This is the default implementation of the preview control bar, a panel with buttons and a zoom control.

You can derive a new class from this and override some or all member functions to change the behaviour and appearance; or you can leave it as it is.

See: wxPreviewFrame, wxPreviewCanvas, wxPrintPreview

This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxPanel wxWindow wxEvtHandler

wxWidgets docs: wxPreviewControlBar

wxPreviewControlBar() = wx:wx_object()

new(Preview, Buttons, Parent) -> wxPreviewControlBar()


Preview = wxPrintPreview:wxPrintPreview()
Buttons = integer()
Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()

new(Preview, Buttons, Parent, Options :: [Option]) ->



Preview = wxPrintPreview:wxPrintPreview()
Buttons = integer()
Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow()
Option =
{pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
{size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
{style, integer()}


The buttons parameter may be a combination of the following, using the bitwise 'or' operator:

destroy(This :: wxPreviewControlBar()) -> ok


createButtons(This) -> ok


This = wxPreviewControlBar()

Creates buttons, according to value of the button style flags.

getPrintPreview(This) -> wxPrintPreview:wxPrintPreview()


This = wxPreviewControlBar()

Gets the print preview object associated with the control bar.

getZoomControl(This) -> integer()


This = wxPreviewControlBar()

Gets the current zoom setting in percent.

setZoomControl(This, Percent) -> ok


This = wxPreviewControlBar()
Percent = integer()

Sets the zoom control.

wx 2.2.1 wxWidgets team.