DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / erlang-manpages / wxToolTip.3erl.en
wxToolTip(3erl) Erlang Module Definition wxToolTip(3erl)

wxToolTip - Functions for wxToolTip class

This class holds information about a tooltip associated with a window (see wxWindow:setToolTip/2).

The four static methods, enable/1, setDelay/1 wxToolTip::SetAutoPop() (not implemented in wx) and wxToolTip::SetReshow() (not implemented in wx) can be used to globally alter tooltips behaviour.

wxWidgets docs: wxToolTip

wxToolTip() = wx:wx_object()

enable(Flag) -> ok


Flag = boolean()

Enable or disable tooltips globally.

Note: May not be supported on all platforms (eg. wxCocoa).

setDelay(Msecs) -> ok


Msecs = integer()

Set the delay after which the tooltip appears.

Note: May not be supported on all platforms.

new(Tip) -> wxToolTip()


Tip = unicode:chardata()


setTip(This, Tip) -> ok


This = wxToolTip()
Tip = unicode:chardata()

Set the tooltip text.

getTip(This) -> unicode:charlist()


This = wxToolTip()

Get the tooltip text.

getWindow(This) -> wxWindow:wxWindow()


This = wxToolTip()

Get the associated window.

destroy(This :: wxToolTip()) -> ok

Destroys the object.

wx 2.2.1 wxWidgets team.