fastboot - Android flashing and booting utility
fastboot [-w] [-u] [-s device] [-p product]
[-c cmdline] [-i vendorId] [-b baseAddr] [-n
pageSize] [-S size[K|M|G]] command
WARNING: This manual might be outdated, please refer to the
official documentation.
fastboot is a command line tool for flashing an Android
device, boot an Android device to fastboot mode, etc..
- -w
- Erase userdata and cache (and format if supported by partition type).
- -u
- Do not erase partition before formatting.
- -s device
- Specify device serial number or path to device port.
- -l
- With devices command, list device paths.
- -p product
- Specify product name.
- -c cmdline
- Override kernel commandline.
- -i vendorId
- Specify a custom USB vendor ID.
- -b|--base
- Specify a custom kernel base address (default: 0x10000000).
- --kernel-offset
- Specify a custom kernel offset (default: 0x00008000).
- --ramdisk-offset
- Specify a custom ramdisk offset (default: 0x01000000).
- --tags-offset
- Specify a custom tags offset (default: 0x00000100).
- -n|--page-size
- Specify the nand page size (default: 2048).
- -S size[K|M|G]
- Automatically sparse files greater than 'size'. 0 to disable.
- --slot suffix
- Specify slot suffix to be used if the device supports slots. This will be
added to all partition names that use slots. all can be given to
refer to all slots. other can be given to refer to a non-current
slot. If this flag is not used, slotted partitions will default to the
current active slot.
- -a, --set-active[=]
- Sets the active slot. If no suffix is provided, this will default to the
value given by --slot. If slots are not supported, this does
nothing. This will run after all non-reboot commands.
- --wipe-and-use-fbe
- On devices which support it, erase userdata and cache, and enable
file-based encryption.
- --unbuffered
- Do not buffer input or output.
- --version
- Display version.
- -h|--help
- show this message.
The Android Open Source Project.