DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / fuse-emulator-utils / fmfconv.1.en
fmfconv(1) Emulators fmfconv(1)

fmfconv — Fuse Movie File converter

fmfconv [options] [infile [outfile [soundfile]]]

fmfconv is a Fuse Movie File converter. It can read .fmf files produced by Fuse ZX Spectrum emulator and write audio files, video files or sequences of images in a variety of popular formats. It can also stream data to external tools through a pipe, so you can get virtually any possible format (see EXAMPLES).

fmfconv has built-in support for AIFF, AU and WAV sound formats, PPM and SCR image formats, AVI and YUV4MPEG2 video formats. Supports PNG and JPEG/MJPEG formats internally if libpng and libjpeg are available respectively.


Give brief usage help, listing available options.


Scan input file(s) and print information.

-i filename
--input filename

Input file.

-o filename
--output filename

Output file.


Force overwrite of existing output file(s).

-g form
--progress form

Show progress, where `form' is one of `%', `bar', `frame' or `time'. frame and time are similar to bar and show movie seconds or frame number as well.


Decrease the verbosity level by one.


Increase the verbosity level by one.


Print the version number and exit.


Force AIFF-C output if sound format is AIFF.


Save sound to Apple Computer audio (aiff/aiff-c) file.


Save sound to Sun Audio (au) file.


Convert sound to mono (by default sound is converted to stereo).


Do not convert sound to 16-bit signed PCM and STEREO or MONO. This is an advanced option. If stereo/mono or audio encoding change through `fmf' file, your sound will be crappy.

-s filename
--sound filename

Output sound file.


Process only the sound from an `fmf' file.

-E rate
--srate rate

Resample audio to `rate' sampling rate where `rate' is `cd' for 44100 Hz or `dat' for 48000 Hz or a number (`cd' and `dat' set `stereo' as well).


Save sound to Waveform Audio (wav) file.


Save video as AVI format with built-in AVI encoder. If fmfconv supports jpeg files, encode video as M-JPEG and audio as S16_LE PCM. If output is not a file (stdout or redirected) then fmfconv encode video as uncompressed BGR24 DIB frames (see --avi-mjpeg and --avi-uncompr).

-f timing
--frate timing

Set output frame rate. `timing' is `pal', `ntsc', `movie' or a number with maximum 3 digit after decimal point, or a #/# (e.g.: -f 29.97 or -f 30000/1001).
For video output formats (AVI/MJPEG/YUV4MPEG2) fmfconv set frame rate to 25 fps (PAL timing). If you want to keep the original frame rate use `raw' timing.

-C cut
--out-cut cut

Leave out the comma delimited `cut' ranges e.g.: 100-200,300,500,1:11-2:22 cut the frames 100–200, 300, 500 and frames from 1 min 11 sec to 2 min 22 sec (in the given timing see: -f/--frate).


Save video as PPM screenshots.


Save video as SCR screenshots.


Save video as yuv4mpeg2.

--yuv-format frm

Set yuv4mpeg2 file frame format to `frm', where `frm' is one of `444', `422', `420j', `420m', `420' or `410'.


Save greyscale images.


Save video frames as PNG screenshots.

--png-compress level

Set compression level from a range 0–9, or `none', `fast', `best'.


Save progressive (interlaced) PNG files.


Force the use of M-JPEG AVI frames (lossy).


Force the use of uncompressed BGR24 AVI frames. This format does not produce compression artifacts but the file size is bigger. It is a good choice if you want to process the video with an external tool.


Save greyscale images or convert video frames.


Save video frames as JPEG screenshots.


Use faster, less accurate integer method for DCT compression.


Use floating-point method for DCT compression.


Compute optimal Huffman coding tables for the image.

--jpeg-quality q

Set jpeg quality from a range 0–100.

--jpeg-smooth factor

Set jpeg smoothing factor from a range 0–100.


Save video as raw M-JPEG file (abbreviated JPEG stream).


Save progressive (interlaced) JPEG files.

Some of the following examples use ffmpeg(1) as an external tool for doing the final conversion. In some distributions avconv(1) is available, which accepts the same parameters.

Convert FMF to AVI:

fmfconv input.fmf output.avi

Convert FMF to a mpeg video with quality equivalent to YouTube:

fmfconv input.fmf | ffmpeg -i - -vf scale=480:360 -r 25

-codec:v h264 -codec:a aac -f mp4 -b:a 128k
-b:v 600k -pix_fmt yuv420p -strict -2 output.mp4

Convert FMF to compact lossless 720p:

fmfconv input.fmf | ffmpeg -i - -vf palettegen palette.png
fmfconv --raw-sound input.fmf | ffmpeg -i - -i palette.png

"scale=960:720:flags=neighbor [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse"
-c:a flac -c:v zmbv -compression_level:a 12 output.mkv

Convert FMF to compact lossless 1080p:

fmfconv input.fmf | ffmpeg -i - -vf palettegen palette.png
fmfconv --raw-sound input.fmf | ffmpeg -i - -i palette.png

[x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse"
-c:a flac -c:v zmbv -compression_level:a 12 output.mkv

Convert FMF to a DVD video format:

fmfconv input.fmf | ffmpeg -i - -aspect 4:3 -target pal-dvd


Convert FMF to SVCD video format:

fmfconv input.fmf | ffmpeg -i - -aspect 4:3 -target pal-svcd


Convert FMF to iPod video format:

fmfconv input.fmf | ffmpeg -i - -vf scale=320:240 -r 30

-codec:v h264 -codec:a aac -f ipod -ar 44100 -b:a 128k
-b:v 256k -pix_fmt yuv420p -strict -2 output.m4v

Convert FMF to animated GIF (25 fps) using ImageMagick:

fmfconv -f 25 input.fmf tmp.png
convert -delay 4 -loop 0 -layers removeDups -layers Optimize

tmp*.png output.gif

Extract audio (mono) from a FMF file:

fmfconv --sound-only --mono input.fmf output.wav

None known.

avconv(1), ffmpeg(1), fuse(1), fuse-utils(1), imagemagick(1).

The Fuse Movie File specification, at

The comp.sys.sinclair Spectrum FAQ, at

Gergely Szasz.

1st July, 2018 Version 1.4.3