DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / fusioninventory-agent / fusioninventory-agent.1p.en

fusioninventory-agent - FusionInventory agent For Linux/UNIX, Windows and MacOSX

fusioninventory-agent [options] [--server server|--local path]

  Target definition options:
    -s --server=URI                send tasks result to a server
    -l --local=PATH                write tasks results locally
  Target scheduling options:
    --delaytime=LIMIT              maximum delay before first target,
                                     in seconds (3600). It also defines the
                                     maximum delay on network error. Delay on
                                     network error starts from 60, is doubled at
                                     each new failed attempt until reaching max
    --lazy                         do not contact the target before
                                   next scheduled time
    --set-forcerun                 set persistent state 'forcerun' option so a run
                                   will be started immediately during a start or init
  Task selection options:
    --list-tasks                   list available tasks and exit
    --no-task=TASK[,TASK]...       do not run given task
    --tasks=TASK1[,TASK]...[,...]  run given tasks in given order
  Inventory task specific options:
    --no-category=CATEGORY         do not list given category items
    --scan-homedirs                scan user home directories (false)
    --scan-profiles                scan user profiles (false)
    --html                         save the inventory as HTML (false)
    -f --force                     always send data to server (false)
    --backend-collect-timeout=TIME timeout for inventory modules
                                     execution (30)
    --additional-content=FILE      additional inventory content file
  Package deployment task specific options:
    --no-p2p                       do not use peer to peer to download
                                     files (false)
  Network options:
    -P --proxy=PROXY               proxy address
    -u --user=USER                 user name for server authentication
    -p --password=PASSWORD         password for server authentication
    --ca-cert-dir=DIRECTORY        CA certificates directory
    --ca-cert-file=FILE            CA certificates file
    --no-ssl-check                 do not check server SSL certificate
    -C --no-compression            do not compress communication with server
    --timeout=TIME                 connection timeout, in seconds (180)
  Web interface options:
    --no-httpd                     disable embedded web server (false)
    --httpd-ip=IP                  network interface to listen to (all)
    --httpd-port=PORT              network port to listen to (62354)
    --httpd-trust=IP               trust requests without authentication
                                     token (false)
    --listen                       enable listener target if no local or
                                   server target is defined
  Logging options:
    --logger=BACKEND               logger backend (stderr)
    --logfile=FILE                 log file
    --logfile-maxsize=SIZE         maximum size of the log file in MB (0)
    --logfacility=FACILITY         syslog facility (LOG_USER)
    --color                        use color in the console (false)
  Configuration options:
    --config=BACKEND                   configuration backend
    --conf-file=FILE                   configuration file
    --conf-reload-interval=<SECONDS>   number of seconds between two
                                         configuration reloadings
  Execution mode options:
    -w --wait=LIMIT                maximum delay before execution,
                                     in seconds
    -d --daemon                    run the agent as a daemon (false)
    --no-fork                      don't fork in background (false)
    -t --tag=TAG                   add given tag to inventory results
    --debug                        debug mode (false)
    --setup                        print the agent setup directories
                                     and exit
    --version                      print the version and exit
    --no-win32-ole-workaround      [win32 only] disable win32 work-around
                                     used to better handle Win32::OLE apis.
                                     !!! Use it at your own risk as you may
                                     experiment perl crash under win32 !!!

The fusioninventory-agent agent is a generic multi-platform agent. It can perform a large array of management tasks, such as local inventory, software deployment or network discovery. It can be used either standalone, or in combination with a compatible server (OCS, GLPI, OTRS) acting as a centralized control point.

Most of the options are available in a short form and a long form. For example, the two lines below are all equivalent:

    % fusioninventory-agent -s localhost
    % fusioninventory-agent --server localhost

Send the results of tasks execution to given server.

If URI doesn't start with http:// or https://, the agent assume the parameter is a hostname and rewrite it as:

    % --server=http://example/plugins/fusioninventory

In general, OCS Inventory server URL have this format:


and FusionInventory for GLPI this one:


Multiple values can be specified, using comma as a separator.

Write the results of tasks execution locally.

Exact behaviour according to given path:

  • if PATH is a directory, a file will be created therein
  • if PATH is a file, it will be used directly
  • if PATH is '-', STDOUT will be used

Multiple values can be specified, using comma as a separator.

Set an initial delay before the first target, whose value is computed randomly between LIMIT / 2 and LIMIT seconds. This setting is ignored for server targets after the initial contact, in favor of server-specified parameter (PROLOG_FREQ).
Do not contact the target before next scheduled time.

This option is only available when the agent is not run as a server.

List all available tasks, tasks planned for execution and exit
Do not run given task.

Multiple values can be specified, using comma as a separator. See option --list-tasks for the list of available tasks.

Run given tasks in given order.

Multiple tasks can be specified, using comma as a separator. A task can be specified several times. if '...' is given as last element, all other available tasks are executed.

See option --list-tasks for the list of available tasks.

Examples :

* --tasks=inventory,deploy,inventory
First task executed is 'inventory', second task is 'deploy', third and last
task is 'inventory'.

* --tasks=inventory,deploy,...
First executed task is 'inventory', second task is 'deploy' and then all
other available tasks are executed.

Do not list given category items in inventory.

Multiple values can be specified, using comma as a separator. The available categories are:

  • battery
  • controller
  • cpu
  • drive
  • environment
  • input
  • license
  • local_group
  • local_user
  • lvm
  • memory
  • modem
  • monitor
  • network
  • printer
  • process
  • slot
  • software
  • sound
  • storage
  • usb
  • user
  • video
  • virtualmachine
Allow the agent to scan home directories for virtual machines.
Allow the agent to scan user profiles for software.
Save the inventory as HTML.

This is only used for local inventories.

Send an inventory to the server, even if this last one doesn't ask for it.
Timeout for inventory modules execution.
Additional inventory content file.

This file should be an XML file, using same syntax as the one produced by the agent.

Do not use peer to peer to download files.

Use PROXY as HTTP proxy.

By default, the agent uses HTTP_PROXY environment variable.

Use USER for server authentication.
Use PASSWORD for server authentication.
CA certificates directory.
CA certificates file.
Do not check server SSL certificate.
Timeout for server connections.

Disable the embedded web server.
The network interface to use for the embedded web server (all).
The network port to use for the embedded web server (62354).
Trust requests from given addresses without authentication token (false).

For example: "", "" or an IP range like " -". Hostnames are also accepted. See Net::IP documentation to get more example.

Multiple values can be specified, using comma as a separator.

This option should be used if no local or server target is defined and the agent still needs to answer http requests. --no-httpd should not be set and --httpd-trust should be set to enable trusted remote clients.

Logger backend to use.

Multiple values can be specified, using comma as a separator. The available backends are:

  • stderr: log messages directly in the console.
  • file: log messages in a file.
  • syslog: log messages through the local syslog server.

Multiple values can be specified, using comma as a separator.

Log message in FILE (implies File logger backend).
Max logfile size in MB, default is unlimited. When the max size is reached, the file is truncated. This is only useful if there is no log rotation mechanism on the system.
Syslog facility to use (default LOG_USER).
Display color on the terminal, when the Stderr backend is used.

This options is ignored on Windows.

Configuration backend to use.

The available backends are:

  • file: read configuration from a file (default anywhere else as Windows).
  • registry: read configuration from the registry (default on Windows).
  • none: don't read any configuration.
Use FILE as configuration file (implies file configuration backend).
SECONDS is the number of seconds between two configuration reloadings. Default value is 0, which means that configuration is never reloaded. Minimum value is 60. If given value is less than this minimum, it is set to this minimum. If given value is less than 0, it is set to 0.

Wait a random delay whose value is computed randomly between 0 and LIMIT seconds, before execution. This is useful when execution is triggered from some kind of system scheduling on multiple clients, to spread the server load.
Run the agent as a daemon.
Don't fork in background.

This is only useful when running as a daemon.

Store pid in FILE or in default PID file.

This is only useful when running as a daemon and still not managed with a system service manager like systemd.

Add the given tag to every inventory results.
Turn the debug mode on. You can use the parameter up to 3 times in a row to increase the verbosity (e.g: --debug --debug).

Level 3 turns on the debug mode of some external libraries like Net::SSLeay. These messages will only be be printed on STDERR.

Print the agent setup directories and exit.
Print the version and exit.
2022-12-02 perl v5.36.0