DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / gasic / create_matrix.1.en

create_matrix - calculate the genome abundance similarity matrix

create_matrix [options] NAMES

Calculate the similarity matrix.

First, a set of reads is simulated for every reference genome using a read simulator from core/ specified via -s. Second, the simulated reads of each species are mapped against all reference genomes using the mapper specified with -m. Third, the resulting SAM-files are analyzed to calculate the similarity matrix. The similarity matrix is stored as a numpy file (-o).

Filename of the names file; the plain text names file should contain one name per line. The name is used as identifier in the whole algorithm.
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Identifier of read simulator defined in core/ [default: none]
Reference sequence file pattern for the read simulator. Placeholder for the name is "%s". [default: ./ref/%s.fasta]
Identifier of mapper defined in core/ [default: none]
Reference index files for the read mapper. Placeholder for the name is "%s". [default: ./ref/%s.fasta]
Directory to store temporary simulated datasets and SAM files. [default: ./temp]
Output similarity matrix file. [default: ./similarity_matrix.npy]
February 2014 create_matrix SVNr18