DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / gasic / run_mappers.1.en

run_mappers - run a read mapper to map reads to reference genomes

run_mappers NAMES READS -i REF -o OUT -m MAPPER

Run a read mapper to map reads to reference genomes.

The names in the NAMES file will be inserted in the provided string patterns. Each pattern must contain exactly one "%s" placeholder (python string formatting).

Filename of the names file; the plain text names file should contain one name per line. The name is used as identifier in the whole algorithm.
File containing the reads to be mapped.
show this help message and exit
Identifier of mapper defined in core/ [default: none]
Pattern, that points to the reference sequences/indices when used with a name. Placeholder for the name is "%s". [default: ./ref/%s.fasta]
Pattern, that points to the output SAM file, when used with a name. Placeholder for the name is "%s". [default: ./SAM/%s.sam]
February 2014 run_mappers SVNr18