DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / gesftpserver / gesftpserver.8.en
gesftpserver(8) System Manager's Manual gesftpserver(8)

gesftpserver - Green End SFTP Server

/usr/libexec/gesftpserver [OPTIONS]

gesftpserver implements the SFTP protocol. It is normally run as an SSH subsystem but can be run in other contexts if necessary.

By default, OpenSSH will use its native SFTP server in response to requests for the SFTP subsystem. To use gesftpserver instead, add a suitable Subsystem command to sshd_config (and remove the existing one if present). For example:

Subsystem  sftp /usr/libexec/gesftpserver

gesftpserver supports up to version 6 of the SFTP protocol and the following extensions:

Reports the server's newline convention to the client.
Equivalent to df(1).
v5 capability details
v6 capability details
Used for resuming text file downloads.
Reports server name and version to client. gesftpserver reports a vendor of "Green End" and a server name of "Green End SFTP Server".
Lists available versions.
Select version.
Provides POSIX rename semantics even in pre-v5 SFTP.
