DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / gh / gh-release-create.1.en

gh-release-create - Create a new release

gh release create [<tag>] [<files>...]

Create a new GitHub Release for a repository.

A list of asset files may be given to upload to the new release. To define a display label for an asset, append text starting with # after the file name.

If a matching git tag does not yet exist, one will automatically get created from the latest state of the default branch. Use --target to point to a different branch or commit for the automatic tag creation. Use --verify-tag to abort the release if the tag doesn't already exist. To fetch the new tag locally after the release, do git fetch --tags origin.

To create a release from an annotated git tag, first create one locally with git, push the tag to GitHub, then run this command.

When using automatically generated release notes, a release title will also be automatically generated unless a title was explicitly passed. Additional release notes can be prepended to automatically generated notes by using the notes parameter.

--discussion-category <string>
Start a discussion in the specified category

-d, --draft
Save the release as a draft instead of publishing it

Automatically generate title and notes for the release

Mark this release as "Latest" (default: automatic based on date and version)

-n, --notes <string>
Release notes

-F, --notes-file <file>
Read release notes from file (use "-" to read from standard input)

--notes-start-tag <string>
Tag to use as the starting point for generating release notes

-p, --prerelease
Mark the release as a prerelease

--target <branch>
Target branch or full commit SHA (default: main branch)

-t, --title <string>
Release title

Abort in case the git tag doesn't already exist in the remote repository

-R, --repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO>
Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format

Interactively create a release
$ gh release create
Interactively create a release from specific tag
$ gh release create v1.2.3
Non-interactively create a release
$ gh release create v1.2.3 --notes "bugfix release"
Use automatically generated release notes
$ gh release create v1.2.3 --generate-notes
Use release notes from a file
$ gh release create v1.2.3 -F
Upload all tarballs in a directory as release assets
$ gh release create v1.2.3 ./dist/*.tgz
Upload a release asset with a display label
$ gh release create v1.2.3 '/path/to/ display label'
Create a release and start a discussion
$ gh release create v1.2.3 --discussion-category "General"


Feb 2023