DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / ghostscript / pdf2ps.1.en
PDF2PS(1) Ghostscript Tools PDF2PS(1)

pdf2ps - Ghostscript PDF to PostScript translator

pdf2ps [ options ] input.pdf []

pdf2ps uses gs(1) to convert the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file "input.pdf" to PostScript(tm) in "". Normally the output is allowed to use PostScript Level 2 (but not PostScript LanguageLevel 3) constructs; the -dLanguageLevel=1 option restricts the output to Level 1, while -dLanguageLevel=3 allows using LanguageLevel 3 in the output.

Run "gs -h" to find the location of Ghostscript documentation on your system, from which you can get more details.

This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 10.00.0.

Artifex Software, Inc. are the primary maintainers of Ghostscript.

21 September 2022 10.00.0