DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs / grid-default-ca.8.en
GRID-DEFAULT-CA(8) Grid Community Toolkit Manual GRID-DEFAULT-CA(8)

grid-default-ca - Select default CA for certificate requests

grid-default-ca -help | -h | -usage | -u | -version | -versions

grid-default-ca [-ca CA-HASH | -list ] [OPTIONS]

The grid-default-ca program sets the default certificate authority to use when the grid-cert-request script is run. The CA’s certificate, configuration, and signing policy must be installed in the trusted certificate directory to be able to request certificates from that CA. Note that some CAs have different policies and use other tools to handle certificate requests. Please consult your CA’s support staff if you unsure. The grid-default-ca is designed to work with CAs implemented using the globus_simple_ca package.

By default, the grid-default-ca program displays a list of installed CA certificates and the prompts the user for which one to set as the default. If invoked with the -list command-line option, grid-default-ca will print the list and not prompt nor set the default CA. If invoked with the -ca option, it will not list or prompt, but set the default CA to the one with the hash that matches the CA-HASH argument to that option. If grid-default-ca is used to set the default CA, the caller of this program must have write permissions to the trusted certificate directory.

The grid-default-ca program sets the CA in the one of the grid security directories. It looks in the directory named by the GRID_SECURITY_DIR environment, the X509_CERT_DIR environment, /etc/grid-security and $GLOBUS_LOCATION/share/certificates.

The full set of command-line options to grid-default-ca are:

-help, -h, -usage, -u

Display the command-line options to grid-default-ca and exit.

-version, -versions

Display the version number of the grid-default-ca command. The second form includes more details.


Use the trusted certificate directory named by CA-DIRECTORY instead of the default.


Instead of changing the default CA, print out a list of all available CA certificates in the trusted certificate directory.


Set the default CA without displaying the list of choices or prompting. The CA file named by CA-HASH must exist.

List the contents of the trusted certificate directory that contain the string Example:

% grid-default-ca | grep Example
15) cd1186ff -  /DC=org/DC=Example/DC=Grid/CN=Example CA

Choose that CA as the default:

% grid-default-ca -ca cd1186ff
setting the default CA to: /DC=org/DC=Example/DC=Grid/CN=Example CA
linking /etc/grid-security/certificates/grid-security.conf.cd1186ff to

/etc/grid-security/certificates/grid-security.conf linking /etc/grid-security/certificates/grid-host-ssl.conf.cd1186ff to
/etc/grid-security/certificates/grid-host-ssl.conf linking /etc/grid-security/certificates/grid-user-ssl.conf.cd1186ff to
/etc/grid-security/certificates/grid-user-ssl.conf ...done.

The following environment variables affect the execution of grid-default-ca: GRID_SECURITY_DIRECTORY:: Path to the default trusted certificate directory. X509_CERT_DIR:: Path to the default trusted certificate directory. GLOBUS_LOCATION:: Path to the Grid Community Toolkit installation directory.

The grid-default-ca program displays CAs from all of the directories in its search list; however, grid-cert-request only uses the first which contains a grid security configuration.

The grid-default-ca program may display the same CA multiple times if it is located in multiple directories in its search path. However, it does not provide any information about which one would actually be used by the grid-cert-request command.


Copyright © 1999-2014 University of Chicago

03/31/2018 Grid Community Toolkit 6