DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / gnunet / gnunet-base32.1.en
GNUNET-BASE32(1) General Commands Manual GNUNET-BASE32(1)

gnunet-base32encode/decode to Crockford base32 encoding

gnunet-base32 [-d | --decode]

gnunet-base32 By default, encodes data read from standard input into Crockford base32 and writes the result to standard output. The inverse operation is performed if the option ---decode is given. Note that the tool keeps all of the data in memory and is largely intended for quick debugging and not for high performance.

Run in decode mode instead of in encode mode.
Print short help on options.
Print GNUnet version number.

The full documentation for gnunet is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info(1) and gnunet programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info gnunet

should give you access to the complete handbook,

info gnunet-c-tutorial

will give you access to a tutorial for developers.

Depending on your installation, this information is also available in gnunet(7) and gnunet-c-tutorial(7).

Report bugs by using or by sending electronic mail to <>.

March 5, 2021 Debian