DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / gnunet / gnunet-nat-auto.1.en
GNUNET-NAT-AUTO(1) General Commands Manual GNUNET-NAT-AUTO(1)

gnunet-nat-autoautoconfigure and test NAT traversal

gnunet-nat-auto [-a | --auto] [-c FILENAME | --config=FILENAME] [-S NAME | --section=NAME] [-t | --tcp] [-u | --udp] [-w | --write]

gnunet-nat-auto allows testing various NAT traversal functions, as well as attempting auto-configuration. The options are as follows:

Attempt auto-configuration for NAT traversal.
Use the configuration file FILENAME.
Name of the configuration section with details about the configuration to test. For example "transport-tcp".
Use TCP.
Use UDP.
Write configuration to configuration file, useful in combination with auto-configuration (-a).

# gnunet-nat-auto -aw

Probe and write result to configuration

# gnunet-nat-auto -t -S transport-tcp

Test TCP configuration

# gnunet-nat-auto -t -S transport-http

Test HTTP configuration

# gnunet-nat-auto -u -S transport-udp

Test UDP configuration

gnunet-nat(1), gnunet-transport(1)

The full documentation for gnunet is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info(1) and gnunet programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info gnunet

should give you access to the complete handbook,

info gnunet-c-tutorial

will give you access to a tutorial for developers.

Depending on your installation, this information is also available in gnunet(7) and gnunet-c-tutorial(7).

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January 6, 2017 Debian