DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / graphviz / sccmap.1.en
SCCMAP(1) General Commands Manual SCCMAP(1)

sccmap - extract strongly connected components of directed graphs

sccmap [-dsv] [ -ooutfile ] [ files ]

sccmap decomposes digraphs into strongly connected components and an auxiliary map of the relationship between components. In this map, each component is collapsed into a node. The resulting graphs are printed to standard out. The number of nodes, edges and strongly connected components are printed to standard error. sccmap is a way of partitioning large graphs into more manageable pieces.

The following options are supported:

Preserve degenerate components of only one node.
Do not print the resulting graphs. Only the statistics are important.
Just print the resulting graphs. No statistics are printed.
Prints output to the file output. If not given, sccmap uses stdout.
Generate additional statistics. In particular, sccmap prints the number of nodes, edges, connected components, and strongly connected components, followed by the fraction of nodes in a non-trivial strongly connected components, the maximum degree of the graph, and fraction of non-tree edges in the graph.

The following operand is supported:

Names of files containing 1 or more graphs in dot format. If no files operand is specified, the standard input will be used.

sccmap emits a warning if it encounters an undirected graph, and ignores it.

Stephen C. North <>
Emden R. Gansner <>

gc(1), dot(1), acyclic(1), gvpr(1), gvcolor(1), ccomps(1), tred(1), libgraph(3)

21 March 2001