DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / grass-doc / GRASS GIS User's Manual - Download GRASS Location from the web
Get GRASS Location from an URL or file path

general, data, download, import --help url=string [name=name] [path=path] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

URL of the archive with a location to be downloaded
URL of ZIP, TAR.GZ, or other similar archive

Location name
Location name (not location path)

GRASS GIS database directory
Default: path to the current GRASS GIS database downloads an archived (e.g., .zip or .tar.gz) location from a given URL and unpacks it to a specified or current GRASS GIS Spatial Database. URL can be also a local file on the disk. If the archive contains a directory which contains a location, the module will recognize that and use the location automatically. First directory which is a location is used. Other locations or any other files are ignored.

g.mapset, g.mapsets, r.proj, v.proj, g.proj.all

Vaclav Petras, NCSU GeoForAll Lab

Available at: source code (history)

Accessed: Sunday Jan 22 07:37:42 2023

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GRASS 8.2.1