gtkam - Graphical front end for gphoto2
- File->Save
- Gives options to save photos to the computer.
Both menu items open a "Save photos..." dialog box which
allows the user to select the folder to save the images in, as well as a
number of other options.
- File->Delete
- Gives options to delete photos from the camera.
- File->Quit
- Quits gtkam.
Gives options for previewing photos before downloading them from
the camera.
- View->View
- This is the same command as the checkbox on the main gtkam window. It
allows the user to select whether thumbnails of the photos are displayed,
or just the file names.
- View->Zoom
- Enlarges the thumbnails.
- View->Zoom
- Returns the thumbnails to default size.
- View->Zoom
- Reduces the thumbnails.
- Select->All
- Selects all pictures in the camera.
- Select->Inverse
- Inverts the selections already made so that previously unselected images
are now selected, and previously selected images are now unselected.
- Select->None
- Undoes all selections so that no images are selected.
- Camera->Add
- Opens a window to allow the user to define the camera and interface being
used. "Simple" Select Camera Dialog. "Enhanced" Select
Camera Dialog. Dialog for explicitly adding a path to the port to which
the camera is attached.
- Help->Debug...
- Opens the logging window which allows the user to select the type of
messages to log.
- Error
- causes the logging of any error messages.
- Verbose
- Increases the amount of information being logged. (I can't see what effect
this has. - mjr)
- Debug
- Causes the logging of progress reports as the software communicates with
the camers.
- Data
- Causes the logging of all data being transferred from the camera. This
will generate huge quantities of hexadecimal information.
- Save As...
- opens a dialog to allow the user to save the information logged in the
debug window.
- Close
- Closes the debug window
- Help->About...
- Opens the about gtKam window. This gives the current version, author
credits, and contact information.
- Right Click->View
with...->Built-in viewer
- Downloads the image under the cursor and displays it in a new window. The
window automatically resizes the image to fill the window.
- Right
- Presents file name, type, size, date and permissions information about the
image under the cursor.
- Right
- Downloads the image under the cursor and opens a dialog to allow it to be
saved to the computer.
- Right
- Opens a dialog to allow the user to delete the image under the cursor.
The gPhoto2 Team.
Man page edited by Michael J. Rensing <>.