DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / gtypist / typefortune.1.en

typefortune - generate a .typ file and call gtypist to run this file

typefortune [ Options... ]

typefortune creates a gtypist lesson-file from fortune and runs gtypist on it.

use D: (drill) instead of S: (speed)
run fortune -s
run fortune -l
practice <count> fortunes (default=1)
pass options to gtypist

To practice 3 fortunes and run gtypist as --silent -e 5 --word-processor:

typefortune -n 3 -o 'silent e,5 word-processor'

If typefortune quits with the following message

No fortunes found

then you are missing fortune cookies.

gtypist(1), fortune(6)

The full documentation for gtypist (and typefortune) is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and gtypist programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info gtypist

(section "Using typefortune") should give you access to the complete manual.

March 2002 typefortune