HCXDUMPTOOL(1) | tool to capture packets from wlan devices | HCXDUMPTOOL(1) |
hcxdumptool - tool to capture packets from wlan devices.
hcxdumptool [OPTIONS]
Tool to capture wpa handshake from Wi-Fi networks and run several tests to determine if Wi-Fi access points or clients are vulnerable to brute-force atacks.
press ctrl+c to terminate hcxdumptool press GPIO button to
terminate hcxdumptool hardware modification is necessary, read more:
https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxdumptool/tree/master/docs do not set
monitor mode by third party tools (iwconfig, iw, airmon-ng) do not run
hcxdumptool on logical (NETLINK) interfaces (monx, wlanxmon, prismx,
...) created by airmon-ng and iw do not run hcxdumtool on virtual machines
or emulators do not run hcxdumptool in combination with tools
(channel hopper), that take access to the interface (except: tshark,
wireshark, tcpdump) do not use tools like machcanger, because
hcxdumptool run its own MAC space and will ignore this changes stop
all this services (e.g.: wpa_supplicant.service, NetworkManager.service)
that take access to the interface
short options: -i <interface>: interface (monitor mode will be enabled by hcxdumptool) it is mandatory that the driver support ioctl() system calls, monitor mode and full packet injection!
-o <dump file>: output file in pcapng format, filename '-' outputs to stdout, '+' outputs to client including radiotap header (LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11_RADIOTAP)
-f <frames>: frames to save
-c <digit>: set frequency (2437,2462,5600,...) or channel (1,2,3, ...) default: auto frequency/auto band maximum entries: 255 0 - 1000 treated as channel > 1000 treated as frequency in MHz on 5GHz and 6Ghz it is recommended to use frequency instead of channel number because channel numbers are not longer unique standard 802.11 channels (depend on device, driver and world regulatory domain): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels
0: clear default values
1: MANAGEMENT frames (default)
2: EAP and EAPOL frames (default)
4: IPV4 frames
8: IPV6 frames
16: WEP encrypted frames
32: WPA encrypted frames
64: vendor defined frames (AWDL)
to clear default values use -f 0 first, followed by desired frame type (e.g. -f 0 -f 4)
-s <digit>: set predefined scanlist 0 = auto frequency/auto band (default)
1 = 1,6,11,3,5,1,6,11,2,4,1,6,11,7,9,1,6,11,8,10,1,6,11,12,13
(optimized 2.4GHz)
2 = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
(standard 2.4 GHz)
3 = 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,
(standard 5GHz)
4 = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,
(standard 2.4GHz/5GHz)
--eapreq=[<mode>:]<type><data>[:<term>],... send max. 20 subsequent EAP requests after initial EAP ID request, hex string starting with EAP Type mode prefix determines layer the request is exclusively send on: T: = only if any TLS tunnel is up, ignored otherwise response is terminated with: :F = EAP Failure :S = EAP Success :I = EAP ERP Initiate :F = EAP ERP Finish :D = Deauthentication :T = TLS shutdown :- = no packet default behavior is terminating all responses with a EAP Failure, after last one the client is deauthenticated
--gpio_statusled_intervall=<digit> : Raspberry Pi GPIO LED flash intervall default = flash every 5 seconds
Make sure that the Wireless Regulatory Domain is not unset! Run hcxdumptool -i interface --do_rcascan for at least 30 seconds, to get information about the target! Do not edit, merge or convert this pcapng files, because it will remove optional comment fields! It is much better to run gzip to compress the files. Wireshark, tshark and hcxpcapngtool will understand this, as well as wpa-sec.stanev.org. If hcxdumptool captured your password from WiFi traffic, you should check all your devices immediately! If you use GPS, make sure GPS device is inserted and has a GPS FIX, before you start hcxdumptool! Recommended tools to show additional 802.11 fields or to decrypt WiFi traffic: Wireshark and/or tshark Recommended tool to convert hashes to formats that hashcat and JtR understand: hcxpcapngtool Recommended tool to get possible PSKs from pcapng file: hcxpcapngtool Important notice: Using filter options, could cause that some useful frames are filtered out! In that case hcxpcapngtool will show a warning that this frames are missing! Use SIGHUB with care, because it will impact pselect()
Written by ZeroBeat <zerobeat@gmx.de>.
This manual page was written by Paulo Roberto Alves de Oliveira (aka kretcheu) <kretcheu@gmail.com> for the Debian project (but may be used by others).
Copyright 2000-2021 ZeroBeat.
License MIT.
Dec 2021 | HCXDUMPTOOL 6.2.5 |