DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / hipercontracer-trigger / hpcttrigger.1.en
hpcttrigger(1) General Commands Manual hpcttrigger(1)

hpcttriggerHigh-Performance Connectivity Tracer (HiPerConTracer) Trigger Tool

hpcttrigger [-P|--ping] [-T|--traceroute] [-L|--loglevel level] [-q|--quiet] [-v|--verbose] [-U|--user user|uid] [-S|--source address[,traffic_class[,...]]] [-D|--destination address] [--tracerouteinterval milliseconds] [--tracerouteduration milliseconds] [--tracerouterounds rounds] [--tracerouteinitialmaxttl value] [--traceroutefinalmaxttl value] [--tracerouteincrementmaxttl value] [--pinginterval milliseconds] [--pingexpiration milliseconds] [--pingttl value] [-R|--resultsdirectory directory] [--resultstransactionlength seconds] [--pingtriggerage seconds] [--pingtriggerlength payload_length] [--pingsbeforequeuing count]

hpcttrigger is a tool to trigger HiPerConTracer runs, based on observed incoming "Ping" packets. Once the given number of such packets with a given size has been observed from a source, a Ping or Traceroute is triggered to the corresponding address.

The following arguments may be provided:

--pingtriggerage seconds
Sets the maximum number of seconds between two trigger "Pings" (default: 300).
--pingtriggerlength payload_length
Sets the "Ping" payload length to trigger HiPerConTracer (default: 53).
--pingsbeforequeuing count
Sets the number of observed "Ping" packets before triggering HiPerConTracer (default: 3).
See the manual page of HiPerConTracer for the other arguments and the output format.

hpcttrigger --source --traceroute --verbose --pingsbeforequeuing 2 --pingtriggerlength 88
hpcttrigger --source --pingtriggerage 1800 --ping --verbose
hpcttrigger --source= --traceroute --resultsdirectory=/tmp/results --resultstransactionlength=60
hpcttrigger --source=,BE,EF --source=,BE,AF11,AF21 --pingtriggerage=1800 --ping --verbose

Thomas Dreibholz

June 6, 2019 hpcttrigger