ibnl - a generic IB netlist format
IBDM topology file ibdm-topo-file provide means to describe the IB fabric using a set of predefined systems. A system definition is provided in a single file in IBNL format that describes the internal InfiniBand connectivity of the system in terms of boards and devices. When IBDM starts it parses all the available system definition files before it handles the topology file. The files are located in the following directory relative to the installation prefix: <prefix>/lib/ibdm1.0/ibnl.
This man page describes the IBNL file format used to define an arbitrary IB system internal IB connectivity. It outlines the main concepts used by the file, provides details for how to write such a file and provides a formal definition of the file syntax in BNF like format (YACC/Bison readable).
The described file format for defining generic system IB connectivity uses the following terminology:
The exact file format is provided in section 4. This section only provides extra information regarding the specific semantics of various sections.
The IBNL file is line sensitive as it requires different sections to start on a new line. The file is broken into several SYSTEM (optional) and one TOPSYSTEM sections. Each has one or more names.
Connections are defined inside the SYSTEM/TOPSYSTEM section only and thus might be of two types:
NOTE-1: The top system can define ports that might be redundant and not connected to any lower level board connector. In these cases the ports are simply omitted from the resulting system. This feature enables defining the front panel ports of a 12X/4X such that if a 12X leaf is selected only the 12X front panel ports are used.
NOTE-2: Port width and speed provided at the lowest level have precedence over definitions provided at upper levels of the hierarchy.
The following procedure should be followed in order to provide a new system IBNL:
NOTE-3: The instantiations of the LEAF boards in another board or the top system need not specify the postfix and are being decided upon only when the topology file is being parsed. The "SYSTEM LEAF" with no postfix will be used by default. To continue the example here is how the LEAFs are instantiated in the top system:
LEAF leaf1
LEAF leaf2
The actual 4x or 12x version of the LEAF board can then be specified in the topology file CFG section to select the right combination of optional boards in the system. An example will be:
In this case leaf1 will be 4x as no special modifier is defined for it (and LEAF is by default a 4x leaf). Leaf2 will be 12x as defined in the CFG section.
1 -4x-> 4XP1
2 -4x-> 4XP2
3 -4x-> 4XP3
1 -12x-> 12XP1
4XP1 -> L1/P1
4XP2 -> L1/P2
4XP3 -> L1/P3
12XP1 -> L1/P1-12x
INT ::= ([1-9][0-9]*|0) ;
WIDTH ::= (4x|8x|12x) ;
SPEED ::= (2.5G|5G|10G) ;
NAME ::= ([\[\]\\\*/A-Za-z0-9_.:%@~]+) ;
ONL: | NL;
ibnl: ONL systems topsystem;
systems: | systems system ;
sub_inst_attributes: | sub_inst_attributes sub_inst_attribute NL;
sub_inst_attribute: NAME '=' NAME '=' NAME | NAME '=' NAME '=' INT | NAME '=' NAME ;
topsystem: TOPSYSTEM system_names NL sub_inst_attributes insts ;
system: SYSTEM system_names NL insts ;
system_names: system_name | system_names ',' system_name ;
system_name: NAME ;
insts: | insts node | insts subsystem ;
node: node_header NL node_connections ;
node_connections: | node_connections node_connection NL ;
node_connection: node_to_node_link | node_to_port_link ;
node_to_node_link: INT '-' WIDTH '-' SPEED '-' '>' NAME | INT '-' WIDTH '-' '>' NAME INT | INT '-' SPEED '-' '>' NAME INT | INT '-' '>' NAME INT ;
node_to_port_link: INT '-' WIDTH '-' SPEED '-' '>' NAME | INT '-' WIDTH '-' '>' NAME | INT '-' SPEED '-' '>' NAME | INT '-' '>' NAME ;
subsystem: subsystem_header NL subsystem_connections ;
subsystem_header: SUBSYSTEM NAME NAME ;
subsystem_connections: | subsystem_connections subsystem_connection NL ;
subsystem_connection: subsystem_to_subsystem_link | subsystem_to_port_link ;
subsystem_to_subsystem_link: NAME '-' WIDTH '-' SPEED '-' '>' NAME NAME | NAME '-' WIDTH '-' '>' NAME NAME | NAME '-' SPEED '-' '>' NAME NAME | NAME '-' '>' NAME NAME ;
subsystem_to_port_link: NAME '-' WIDTH '-' SPEED '-' '>' NAME | NAME '-' WIDTH '-' '>' NAME | NAME '-' SPEED '-' '>' NAME | NAME '-' '>' NAME ;
Eitan Zahavi, Mellanox Technologies LTD, eitan@mellanox.co.il
2020-11-11 | IBDM 1.0 |