DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / imv / imv-wayland.5.en
IMV(5)   IMV(5)

imv - imv configuration file

imv can be customised with this configuration file, changing its default behaviour, key bindings, and appearance.

The imv configuration file is an ini-style file, with multiple key = value settings, separated into several '[section]'s.

The [options] section accepts the following settings:

background = <hex-code|checks>

Set the background in imv. Can either be a 6-digit hexadecimal colour code, or checks for a chequered background. Defaults to 000000

fullscreen = <true|false>

Start imv fullscreen. Defaults to false.

width = <width>

Initial width of the imv window. Defaults to 1280.

height = <height>

Initial height of the imv window. Defaults to 720.

initial_pan = <pan_factor_x> <pan_factor_y>

Initial pan/focus position factor of the opened images. A value of 50 represents the middle point of the image (50%). Defaults to 50 50

list_files_at_exit = <true|false>

Print open files to stdout at exit, each on a separate line. Defaults to false.

loop_input = <true|false>

Return to first image after viewing the last one. Defaults to true.

overlay = <true|false>

Start with the overlay visible. Defaults to false.

overlay_font = <typeface:size>

Use the specified font in the overlay. Defaults to Monospace:24.

overlay_text = <text>

Use the given text as the overlay’s text. The provided text is shell expanded, so the output of commands can be used: $(ls) as can environment variables, including the ones accessible to imv’s exec command.

overlay_text_color = <hex-code>

Set the color for the text in the overlay. Is a 6-digit hexadecimal color code. Defaults to ffffff.

overlay_text_alpha = <hex-code>

Set the alpha for the text in the overlay. Is a 2-digit hexadecimal color code. Defaults to ff.

overlay_background_color = <hex-code>

Set the color for the background of the overlay. Is a 6-digit hexadecimal color code. Defaults to 000000.

overlay_background_alpha = <hex-code>

Set the alpha for the background of the overlay. Is a 2-digit hexadecimal color code. Defaults to c3.

overlay_position_bottom = <true|false>

Display the overlay at the bottom of the imv window, instead of the top.

recursively = <true|false>

Load input paths recursively. Defaults to false.

scaling_mode = <none|shrink|full|crop>

Set scaling mode to use. none will show each image at its actual size. shrink will scale down the image to fit inside the window. full will both scale up and scale down the image to fit perfectly inside the window. crop will scale and crop the image to fill the window. Defaults to full.

slideshow_duration = <duration>

Start imv in slideshow mode, and set the amount of time to show each image for in seconds. Defaults to 0, i.e. no slideshow.

suppress_default_binds = <true|false>

Disable imv’s built-in binds so they don’t conflict with custom ones. Defaults to false.

title_text = <text>

Use the given text as the window’s title. The provided text is shell expanded, so the output of commands can be used: $(ls) as can environment variables, including the ones accessible to imv’s exec command.

upscaling_method = <linear|nearest_neighbour>

Use the specified method to upscale images. Defaults to linear.

The [aliases] section allows aliases to be added for imv’s build in commands. For example, x = close would add a x command that simply executes the close command. Any arguments provided to an alias are appended to the command configured by the alias.

The [binds] section allows custom key bindings to be added to imv.

Binds are in the format key combination = command. A key combination can consist of multiple keys in succession. Multiple commands for a single key combination can be defined by separating each command with a ;. Single and double quotes are honoured, as is escaping with a backslash, to allow the proper quoting of shell commands.

Single keys such as q are just that: q = quit will bind the q key to the quit command.

Modifier keys can be specified by prefixing them: Ctrl+q, Meta+f, Shift+G. If multiple modifier keys are desired, they are specified in the order Ctrl+Meta+Shift. When a key’s name is more than a single character, or a modifier is used it must be wrapped in < and >, for example: <Ctrl+q>.

Multiple keys in succession can be specified by listing them in order: gg = goto 1 will bind two presses of the g key to jump to the first image, and <Ctrl+a>p = exec echo hi will bind the key sequence of Ctrl+a followed by p to executing the shell command echo hi.

Many keys, such as <, and > have special names. On X11, these can be easily found with the xev(1) command. For example, ! is called exclam, < is called less, > is called greater.

A complete list of keysyms can also be found on most systems with the dumpkeys -l command.

