DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / interception-caps2esc / caps2esc.1.en
CAPS2ESC(1) User Commands CAPS2ESC(1)

caps2esc - interception plugin for dual function Esc/Ctrl key at CapsLock

caps2esc [-h | [-m mode] [-t delay]]

When used as the interception plugin, caps2esc transforms the most useless key ever in the most useful one by offering the dual function Esc/Ctrl key at CapsLock key location and the CapsLock function key at Esc key location.

show this message and exit
delay used for key sequences (default: 20000 microseconds)
  • caps as esc/ctrl
  • esc as caps
caps as esc/ctrl
useful on 60% layouts
  • caps as esc/ctrl
  • esc as grave accent
  • grave accent as caps

interception(1), udevmon(1), uinput(1)

Sep 2022 caps2esc 0.3.2