SbPList(3IV)() | SbPList(3IV)() |
SbPList — list of generic (void *) pointers
#include <Inventor/SbPList.h>
Methods from class SbPList:
SbPList(const SbPList &pl)
SbPList(int initSize)
void append(void * ptr)
int find(const void *ptr) const
void insert(void *ptr, int addBefore)
void remove(int which)
int getLength() const
void truncate(int start)
void copy(const SbPList &pl)
SbPList & operator =(const SbPList &pl)
void *& operator [](int i) const
int operator ==(const SbPList &pl) const
int operator !=(const SbPList &pl) const
This class manages a dynamic list of generic void * pointers. This class allows random access, insertion, and removal.
SbPList(const SbPList &pl)
SbPList(int initSize)
Constructors and destructor. initSize specifies an initial size for the
list, which is useful as an optimization if you can estimate the length of
the list before you construct it. If another SbPList is given, it
returns a copy of that list.
void append(void * ptr)
Adds given pointer to end of list.
int find(const void *ptr) const
Returns index of given pointer in list, or -1 if not found.
void insert(void *ptr, int addBefore)
Inserts given pointer in list before pointer with given index.
void remove(int which)
Removes pointer with given index.
int getLength() const
Returns number of pointers in list.
void truncate(int start)
Removes all pointers after one with given index, inclusive.
void copy(const SbPList &pl)
Copy a list.
SbPList & operator =(const SbPList &pl)
Assignment operator; copies list into this list.
void *& operator [](int i) const
Returns pointer with given index.
int operator ==(const SbPList &pl) const
int operator !=(const SbPList &pl) const
Equality and inequality operators.