ipmctl-dump-debug-log - Dumps encoded firmware debug logs from specified PMem modules and optionally decodes to human readable text.
ipmctl dump [OPTIONS] -destination (file_prefix) [-dict (file)] -debug [TARGETS] [PROPERTIES]
Dumps encoded firmware debug logs from specified PMem modules and optionally decodes to human readable text using a dictionary file.
-h, -help
The -ddrt and -smbus options are mutually exclusive and may not be used together.
The -lpmb and -spmb options are mutually exclusive and may not be used together.
-destination (file_prefix)
-dict (path)
-dimm [DimmIDs]
Dumps and decodes the debug log from PMem module 0x0001 and 0x0011 using the dictionary file.
ipmctl dump -destination file_prefix -dict nlog_dict.txt -debug -dimm 0x0001,0x0011
To successfully execute this command, the specified PMem modules must be manageable by the host software.
Dumps the encoded and optionally decoded contents of all 3 firmware debug log sources for the specified PMem modules. Output file names are generated based on the -destination parameter above.
Dumped media FW debug logs to file (file_prefix_8089-A1-1816-00000016_0x0001_media.bin) Decoded 456 records to file (file_prefix_8089-A1-1816-00000016_0x0001_media.txt) No spi FW debug logs found
2022-09-26 | ipmctl |