DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / ippsample-data / ippdoclint.1.en
ippdoclint(1) Apple Inc. ippdoclint(1)

ippdoclint - check common document formats

ippdoclint [ --help ] [ --version ] [ -i input/format ] [ -o name=value [... name=value] ] [ -v ] filename

ippdoclint checks the input file for format errors and reports the number of impressions (sides), sheets, and (input) pages in the file.

The following options are recognized by ippdoclint:

Shows program help.
Shows program version.
Specifies the MIME media type of the input file. Currently the "application/pdf" (PDF), "image/jpeg" (JPEG), "image/pwg-raster" (PWG Raster), and "image/urf" (Apple Raster) MIME media types are supported.
Specifies one or more named options for the conversion. Currently the "copies", "page-ranges", "print-color-mode", and "sides" options are supported. See the NAMED OPTIONS section for more information.
Increases the verbosity for any diagnostics.

The following named options are supported:

Specifies the number of copies that should be produced.
Selects a single range of pages to check. For example, the value "5-12" selects pages 5 through 12.
Specifies the color mode as "auto" (automatic), "monochrome" (grayscale), or "color".
Specifies whether to do 1-sided printing ("one-sided") or 2-sided printing ("two-sided-long-edge" for portrait and "two-sided-short-edge" for landscape).

ippdoclint sends all messages to the standard error. Each message is prefixed with "ERROR", "INFO", or "DEBUG" depending on the level of verbosity. ippdoclint also sends "STATE" and "ATTR" messages corresponding to IPP "job-state-reasons" keywords and Job Status attributes.

The ippdoclint program returns 0 if the input file is correctly formatted and 1 otherwise.

ippdoclint recognizes the following environment variables:

Specifies the MIME media type of the input file.
Specifies the value of the "xxx" Job Template attribute, where "xxx" is converted to uppercase. For example, the "copies" Job Template attribute is stored as the "IPP_COPIES" environment variable.
Specifies the default value of the corresponding "xxx-default" Printer Description attribute, where "xxx" is converted to uppercase. For example, the "copies-default" Printer Description attribute is stored as the "IPP_COPIES_DEFAULT" environment variable.
Specifies the log level (verbosity) as "error", "info", or "debug".

Check a PDF file:

ippdoclint filename.pdf

Check a JPEG file:

ippdoclint filename.jpg

ipptransform(7), ipptransform3d(7), PWG Internet Printing Protocol Workgroup (

Copyright © 2018-2019 by the IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group.

ippsample 2019-05-17