jh_build - compile java sources in the absence of a (useful)
upstream build system
jh_build [debhelper options]
jh_build [debhelper options] jarfile
source [... source]
- debian/javabuild
- A file consisting of each build to perform. One build per line where each
line consists of:
jarfile source [... source]
Where jarfile is the name of the jar file to be built
and source is a source file or directory containing source
- --main=main-class
- Set the Main-Class attribute in the manifest of the generated jar
file(s) to main-class. This makes java -jar
generated-jar-file run that class.
- --java-home=home
- Use home as JAVA_HOME (overrides the JAVA_HOME
environment variable).
- -J, --javadoc,
- Whether or not to build javadoc for the jar files. The default is to
generate javadoc along with the jar files.
- --javacopts=options
- Pass options to javac (when invoking javac). The options
value is a space-separate list of options (remember to quote the argument
to avoid the shell interpreting the value).
- --javadoc-opts=options
- Pass options to javadoc (when invoking javadoc). The options
value is a space-separate list of options (remember to quote the argument
to avoid the shell interpreting the value).
- --clean
- If passed, jh_build will clean up after itself. This is called by
jh_clean(1) and using jh_clean(1) is recommended over
calling jh_build with --clean directly.
- If set (and --java-home is omitted), it determines the location of
the java home for finding the javac(1) compiler, javadoc(1)
compiler and the jar(1) utility.
If the environment variable is unset and --java-home is
omitted, then the default java home is
- If set, this is the classpath used during compilation of the source
- A space separated list of extra files or directories to include in the
generated jar file(s).
Can be omitted if no extra files need to be included.
jh_build foo.jar src/java/main
Will generate foo.jar from compiling all the java files in
src/java/main and generate a javadoc from it.
This program is a part of javahelper and uses debhelper as
backend. There are also tutorials in /usr/share/doc/javahelper.