DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / jgmenu / jgmenuunicode.7.en

jgmenuunicode - An overview of jgmenu unicode usage

Unicode characters can be displayed by jgmenu. They can be used in:

CSV data


Config file

Throughout this document, unicode code points will be referred to by writing u+ followed by their hexadecimal number. In examples, u+1234 will be used.

Terminals handle unicode differently. For full support, avoid xterm and urxvt, and opt for something libvte based such as sakura or gnome-terminal. In a terminal, you can produce a unicode character by issuing

printf '%b' '\\u1234'

In libvte terminals, you can press ctrl+shift+u and then enter the hex sequence.

Whilst in insert mode, press ctrl+V and then type u1234.

Use the command ga to show the hex value of the character under the cursor.

Some unicode characters can be rendered as either emoji or text. Special invisible unicode characters called variation selectors can be used to force either presentation. Append with the text presentation selector (u+fe0e) or emoji presentation selector (u+fe0f), to force text or emoji respectively. For example:

u+1f50d u+fe0f 🔍

u+1f50d u+fe0e 🔍︎

u+2315 ⌕

u+26b2 ⚲

u+1c04 ᰄ

u+2192 →

u+203a ›

u+25b6 ▶

u+2794 ➔

u+2799 ➙

u+279b ➛

u+279c ➜

u+279d ➝

u+279e ➞

u+279f ➟

u+27a0 ➠

u+27a1 ➡

u+27a2 ➢

u+27a3 ➣

u+27a4 ➤

u+27a5 ➥

u+27a6 ➦

u+21a6 ↦

u+21d2 ⇒

u+21dd ⇝

u+21e2 ⇢

u+21e5 ⇥

u+21e8 ⇨

u+21fe ⇾

u+27ad ➭

u+27ae ➮

u+27af ➯

u+27b1 ➱

u+27b2 ➲

u+27ba ➺

u+27bc ➼

u+27bd ➽

u+27be ➾

Johan Malm.

7 October, 2020