DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / jmol / jmol.1.en
JMOL(1) General Commands Manual JMOL(1)

jmol - 3D molecule and crystal viewer

jmol [options] [file]

jmol is a program that is able to view 3D chemical information like molecular structures, vibrations of bonds or animations.

delay time in seconds for press-and-hold operation of toolbar animation buttons (default 0.2; numbers > 10 assumed to be milliseconds; set to 0 to disable)
transparent background
check script syntax only - with file loading
check script syntax only - no file loading
supported options are given below
jmol is a plugin to some other app
window width x height, e.g. -g500x500
give this help page
allow piping of input from System.Input
silent startup operation
Jmol script to execute BEFORE -s option
Jmol script to execute AFTER -s option
kiosk mode -- no frame
start with no splash screen
list commands during script execution
use multitouch interface (requires "sparshui" parameter
menu file to use
no display (and also exit when done)
no console -- all output to sysout
port for JSON/MolecularPlayground-style communication
send only output from print messages to console (implies -i)
JPG image quality (1-100; default 75) or PNG image compression (0-9; default 2, maximum compression 9)
restrict local file access
restrict local file access (allow reading of SPT files)
script file to execute or '-' for
headless max time (sec)
independent command thread
plugin to start initially
CLIP or GIF|JPG|JPG64|PNG|PPM:filename
exit after script (implicit with -n)

jmol -ions myscript.spt -w JPEG:myfile.jpg > output.txt

The -D options are as follows (defaults in parenthesis) and must be called preceding '-jar /usr/share/java/Jmol.jar':

Per-user plugin directory.

More information about JMol can be found at and in /usr/share/doc/jmol/html (User-Guide).

This manual page was written by Egon Willighagen <>, Daniel Leidert <> and Pierre Gruet <> for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution (but may be used by others).

September 14, 2021