jupyterhub-singleuser - Single-user server for Jupyter
Single-user server for JupyterHub. Extends the Jupyter Notebook
Meant to be invoked by JupyterHub Spawners, not directly.
Options ======= The options below are convenience aliases to
configurable class-options, as listed in the "Equivalent to"
description-line of the aliases. To see all configurable class-options for
some <cmd>, use:
- <cmd> --help-all
- set log level to logging.DEBUG (maximize logging output) Equivalent to:
- Show the application's configuration (human-readable format) Equivalent
to: [--Application.show_config=True]
- Show the application's configuration (json format) Equivalent to:
- generate default config file Equivalent to:
- Answer yes to any questions instead of prompting. Equivalent to:
- Don't open the notebook in a browser after startup. Equivalent to:
- DISABLED: use %pylab or %matplotlib in the notebook to enable matplotlib.
Equivalent to: [--NotebookApp.pylab=warn]
- Disable MathJax
- MathJax is the javascript library Jupyter uses to render math/LaTeX. It is
very large, so you may want to disable it if you have a slow internet
connection, or for offline use of the notebook.
- When disabled, equations etc. will appear as their untransformed TeX
- Equivalent to: [--NotebookApp.enable_mathjax=False]
- Allow the notebook to be run from root user. Equivalent to:
- Autoreload the webapp
- Enable reloading of the tornado webapp and all imported Python packages
when any changes are made to any Python src files in Notebook or
- Equivalent to: [--NotebookApp.autoreload=True]
- DEPRECATED, IGNORED Equivalent to:
- DEPRECATED, IGNORED Equivalent to:
- Disable user-controlled configuration of the notebook server. Equivalent
to: [--SingleUserNotebookApp.disable_user_config=True]
- Set the log level by value or name. Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40,
50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'] Default: 30 Equivalent
to: [--Application.log_level]
- Full path of a config file. Default: '' Equivalent to:
- The IP address the notebook server will listen on. Default: 'localhost'
Equivalent to: [--NotebookApp.ip]
- The port the notebook server will listen on (env: JUPYTER_PORT). Default:
8888 Equivalent to: [--NotebookApp.port]
- The number of additional ports to try if the specified port is not
available (env: JUPYTER_PORT_RETRIES). Default: 50 Equivalent to:
- The UNIX socket the notebook server will listen on. Default: '' Equivalent
to: [--NotebookApp.sock]
- The permissions mode for UNIX socket creation (default: 0600). Default:
'0600' Equivalent to: [--NotebookApp.sock_mode]
- Choices: any of ['tcp', 'ipc'] (case-insensitive) Default: 'tcp'
Equivalent to: [--KernelManager.transport]
- The full path to a private key file for usage with SSL/TLS. Default: ''
Equivalent to: [--NotebookApp.keyfile]
- The full path to an SSL/TLS certificate file. Default: '' Equivalent to:
- The full path to a certificate authority certificate for SSL/TLS client
authentication. Default: '' Equivalent to: [--NotebookApp.client_ca]
- The directory to use for notebooks and kernels. Default: '' Equivalent to:
- Specify what command to
use to invoke a web
- browser when opening the notebook. If not specified, the default browser
will be determined by the `webbrowser` standard library module, which
allows setting of the BROWSER environment variable to override it.
- Default: '' Equivalent to: [--NotebookApp.browser]
- DISABLED: use %pylab or %matplotlib in the notebook to enable matplotlib.
Default: 'disabled' Equivalent to: [--NotebookApp.pylab]
- The url of the Kernel or Enterprise Gateway server where
- kernel specifications are defined and kernel management takes place. If
defined, this Notebook server acts as a proxy for all kernel management
and kernel specification retrieval. (JUPYTER_GATEWAY_URL env var)
- Default: None Equivalent to: [--GatewayClient.url]
- Default: '' Equivalent to: [--SingleUserNotebookApp.user]
- Default: '' Equivalent to: [--SingleUserNotebookApp.group]
- Default: '/hub/' Equivalent to: [--SingleUserNotebookApp.hub_prefix]
- Default: '' Equivalent to: [--SingleUserNotebookApp.hub_host]
- Default: '' Equivalent to: [--SingleUserNotebookApp.hub_api_url]
- The base URL for the notebook
- Leading and trailing slashes can be omitted, and will automatically be
- Default: '/' Equivalent to: [--SingleUserNotebookApp.base_url]
To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`.
The full documentation for jupyterhub-singleuser is
maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and
jupyterhub-singleuser programs are properly installed at your site,
the command
- info jupyterhub-singleuser
should give you access to the complete manual.