"LaTeXML::Core::Box" - Representations of digested
objects; extends LaTeXML::Common::Object.
- "$box = Box($string,$font,$locator,$tokens);"
- Creates a Box representing the $string in the
given $font. The $locator
records the document source position. The $tokens
is a Tokens list containing the TeX that created (or could have) the Box.
If $font or $locator are
undef, they are obtained from the currently active LaTeXML::Core::State.
Note that $string can be undef which contributes
nothing to the generated document, but does record the TeX code (in
- "$font = $digested->getFont;"
- Returns the font used by $digested.
- "$boole = $digested->isMath;"
- Returns whether $digested was created in math
- "@boxes = $digested->unlist;"
- Returns a list of the boxes contained in
$digested. It is also defined for the Boxes and
Whatsit (which just return themselves) so they can stand-in for a
- "$string = $digested->toString;"
- Returns a string representing this $digested.
- "$string = $digested->revert;"
- Reverts the box to the list of "Token"s
that created (or could have created) it.
- "$string = $digested->getLocator;"
- Get an object describing the location in the original source that gave
rise to $digested.
- "$digested->beAbsorbed($document);"
- $digested should get itself absorbed into the
$document in whatever way is apppropriate.
- "$string = $box->getString;"
- Returns the string part of the $box.
Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov>
Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the
United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US.