DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / lcmaps-plugins-basic-bandn / lcmaps_ban_dn.mod.8.en

lcmaps_ban_dn.mod - LCMAPS plugin to ban a user based on the Subject DN

lcmaps_ban_dn.mod [-banmapfile banning file] [-no_wildcard|-disablewildcard]

This plugin is a banning plugin and will provide the LCMAPS system with a credential banning feature based on the Distinguished Name (DN). It will read a grid-mapfile and check whether the DN appears on it. If that is the case, the plug-in will fail with a LCMAPS_MOD_FAIL. If the plugin succeeds and DN does not appear in the banning file the plugin will finish with a LCMAPS_MOD_SUCCESS

This option sets the path to the banning file which contains the list of DNs which must be banned by the plugin. It is strongly advised to set an absolute path to the ban-mapfile to avoid usage of the wrong file(path). In a (setuid-)root application, relative paths are taken with respect to /etc/grid-security/.

When this option is set the plug-in will only match exact DNs, i.e. /DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=NL/* will not match.

Failure or banned.

Please report any errors to the Nikhef Grid Middleware Security Team <>.

lcmaps.db(5), lcmaps(3).

LCMAPS and the LCMAPS plug-ins were written by the Grid Middleware Security Team <>.

February 9, 2015 Stichting FOM/Nikhef